Q&A with InfluencerNexus Founder Sarah Saffari

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Q&A with InfluencerNexus Founder Sarah Saffari

ACE is proud to partner up with InfluencerNexus to better support you in growing and scaling your business through mentorship. InfluencerNexus helps fitness entrepreneurs build world-class businesses that scale to six and seven figures in 12 months or less. At ACE, we don’t just want to see you get certified, we want to see you have a thriving, fulfilling business! Continue reading to see what Sarah has to say about growing a fitness business.

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How Daylight Savings Time Impacts Health

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How Daylight Savings Time Impacts Health

DST causes a cascade of reactions in the body and in our daily routines – much like a row of dominoes carefully organized, one small movement affects the entire system. Think about the human body as that row of dominoes and let’s take a deep dive into how that system is disrupted twice a year (depending on your geographic location as some states and areas do not observe DST).

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Full-Day Live Virtual Event | May 30

ACE Health and Fitness Summit: Evidence-Based Nutrition
for Coaches and Trainers