American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

As an employer, it’s important to be knowledgeable about the types of credentials you may see when reviewing resumes, LinkedIn Profiles, and job applications. It is essential to know not all credentials are created equal, and ACE recommends that employers educate themselves and their organizations about the differences in order to determine which credential(s) best fit your hiring needs.

Why do credentials matter? Industry recognized credentials help employers validate the knowledge and skills of potential employees and can save you valuable time in assessing the qualifications of job applicants. Credentials can also help you identify those professionals who are competent in safety and can thus protect the public and your business from unqualified professionals.

The topic of credentials can be overwhelming as there are many degrees (Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD), NCCA accredited certifications, non-NCCA accredited certifications, specialist programs or certifications, as well as continuing education to navigate. Over the next several months we will be sharing blogs that will help you and your business sort through these complicated topics.  


If you have questions about credentials, please email us at

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