Stephen Tharrett by Stephen Tharrett

Imagine a world where things like personal training, youth and adult sports leagues, swim lessons, group fitness classes, and gym memberships could all be paid for using Health Savings Accounts (HSA) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA). Giving individuals and families the ability to pay for physical activity through a HSA or FSA could enable more Americans to get moving on a daily basis. This could soon be a reality if the Personal Health Investment Today Act (PHIT) (S.482) is passed by the U.S. Senate, but we must act quickly. The 115th Congress is coming to an end in a few weeks, which means we need to use our voices to tell our Senators to pass PHIT now. 

While PHIT passed the U.S. House of Representatives in July, it still needs to be passed in the Senate. PHIT is a smaller bill that will need to be included in a bigger piece of legislation for it to pass and become a law, such as a tax reform or healthcare package—both of which are potential legislation in the coming weeks. That’s why ACE is asking you to contact your Senators to pass PHIT as a part of any larger moving legislation. ACE is hard at work trying to get PHIT signed into law, but we need your help to really make a difference.  

ACE has created a pre-drafted letter and sample Twitter language for you to use to send an email and/or tweet to your Senators asking them to pass PHIT. It is a quick and easy process – just enter your address, type in your contact information, click on your Senators, and hit send! 

Send an email to your Senators! 

Send a tweet to your Senators!

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