American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

The World Health Organization (WHO) is convening physical-activity experts from around the globe to advise on the implementation of its Global Action Plan for Physical Activity (GAPPA), and ACE has a seat at that important table. In two trips to Geneva over the past few months, ACE President & Chief Science officer Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D., FACSM, has been part of the team of international experts discussing implementation strategies for the GAPPA.

Globally, approximately one in four adults does not meet recommended physical-activity levels, which results in rapid growth of the noncommunicable disease (NCD) epidemic and related costs. The GAPPA initiative aims to help countries scale up policy actions to promote physical activity and is designed to address four primary NCDs: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and chronic lung disease, with the first three listed being directly linked to physical inactivity. ACE and fellow physical-activity experts provide key insight and advice to ensure GAPPA implementation reflects the best evidence on what really works in equipping individuals to adopt and maintain a more physically active lifestyle.

As ACE increases our global footprint and becomes a more prominent voice in physical-activity promotion and the pursuit of population-health improvement, we are humbled and thrilled to be included by the WHO in this critical initiative.

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