American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

Did you know that ACE advocates to elevate the role of exercise professionals and health coaches, not only in the United States, but globally as well? The answer-- probably not because we don’t often speak about this unique side of ACE. And although this advocacy work is technical in nature, it’s very critical to our mission. A few quick statistics to bring you up to speed: 

  • There are 13,300 ACE certified exercise professionals and health coaches in more than 90 countries.  
  • Last year, there were over 7,000 international exam candidates.  
  • ACE currently partners with technical schools and four-year colleges in 23 countries.  
  • Successful international exam candidates take the same exam and earn the same credential from one of our NCCA-accredited certification programs as those that sit for an exam in the United States.  

ACE’s ultimate international objective is to position certified exercise professionals and health coaches as a trusted resource for consumers, employers, as well as other health providers. One of the primary ways we do this is through support and promotion of national and international exercise professional registries.  

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