American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

ACE recently launched the Moving Together Outside Campaign aimed at expanding access to physical activity opportunities through shared-use agreements. If you are a Campaign supporter wanting to be understand your role, or if you are contemplating signing up as suppoerter, see below for answers to some our our most frequently asked questions. 


How can I stay up to date on the Campaign? 

Through filling out this form you will be automatically added to the Moving Together Outside Campaign’s monthly e-newsletter. This e-newsletter will contain updates, ways to get involved and content that can be shared throughout your network.  

What is the best way to be supportive of the Campaign? 

There are many ways to support Moving Together Outside. Some of these include: 

  • Sharing Moving Together Outside content with your network 
  • Posting on social media about supporting Moving Together Outside  
  • Directing your friends or colleagues who are interested in physical activity access to the Moving Together Outside webpage  
  • Contributing information about municipalities who offer shared-use agreements or associated permitting models to the upcoming directory  

What are the social media handles and hashtags for the campaign? 

The hashtag for this Campaign is #MovingTogetherOutside  

The social media handles for this Campaign will be shared though ACE’s Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 

  • Instagram: @ACEFitness  
  • Facebook: @ACEFitness 
  • Twitter: @ACEAdvocacy 
  • LinkedIn: @American Council on Exercise  

What are the short term and long-term goals of the Campaign? 

The short-term goal of the Campaign is to: 

  • Raise awareness of shared-use agreements and associated permitting models  

The long-term goals of the Campaign are: 

  • Build a directory of municipalities that have shared-use agreements  

Who can I talk to if I have specific questions about the Campaign? 

If you have specific questions about the Campaign, please email and someone will return your email within two business days.  

Why is this Campaign important right now? 

Shared-use agreements provide benefits now and into the future. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect individuals and businesses seeking safe opportunities for physical activity and a healthier lifestyle. These types of agreements provide individuals and businesses an opportunity to serve their clients safely while pandemic-related regulations are in place or influx as well as post-pandemic.  

Are there specific steps I can take to reach out to local governments and authorities? 

Yes, there are many resources and specific steps you can take to advocate for shared-use agreements. Please email and stay tuned for updates in the monthly e-newsletter about ways to take action. 

As gyms, studios and facilities are reopening, why is this Campaign a priority? 

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed the physical activity and exercise world. More people than ever, partaking in and enjoying outdoor exercise and this is a trend that is expected to continue. Moreover, many municipalities have removed or severely loosened permitting processes during that pandemic making it ripe with opportunities to normalize the adoption of shared-use (or similar) agreements.  

My community has a permitting process, how do I get it added to the directory this is being developed? 

If you, or any members of your network, would like to add information about a shared-use agreement or permitting process in your area, please email 

My community doesn’t have a permitting process, how can I change that? 

If you are an exercise professional looking to advocate for a permitting process in your municipality, please email for resources on how to get started.  

Are there best practices for communities and exercise professionals who lead physical activity and exercise programs in public spaces? 

Yes, ACE and other organizations have published best practices for communities that are interested in establishing a shared use policy and permitting process for exercise programs. ACE also has a professional and participant code of conduct that can be found here. If you need help identifying a resource, please email 

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