Sarah Beavins, MS
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
Living the ACE mission. Sarah lives the ACE mission by training for half marathons and cross training with mountain biking. She also loves to head to the gym with her family to spend less time in front of screens and to build healthy habits. Sarah tries to keep in mind that, “you don't have to train like an Olympic athlete and measure every metric or follow a training plan -- just get out there with friends and family and do what you enjoy.”
Working at ACE. Sarah is the vice president of marketing and sales. She leads the sales and marketing team with two goals: To make sure that health and fitness enthusiasts understand how to turn their passion into a career opportunity within the wellness and fitness industries, and know they have access to continuing education and career support to thrive doing what they love and helping clients lead healthy lifestyles.
Education and experience. Sarah brings more than two decades of experience, spanning across employer brand building, testing and certification and higher education. This experience equips her to meet people at a key decision point about their education and career and provide valuable information that is needed at this crossroads to make the best decision for their lives. Sarah also holds a Master of Science in marketing from Johns Hopkins University.