Jessica Matthews by Jessica Matthews

Jab, cross and hook your way to a stronger body with this boxing-inspired workout that combines punches and defensive techniques with strength and power-building bodyweight exercises to torch calories and challenge your entire body in one fun and time-efficient workout session.

Turn up the intensity of your training by completing this total-body workout on two to three non-consecutive days per week. Perform each move in order, resting 20 seconds between exercises. Repeat the entire circuit one to two more times, resting one to two minutes in between rounds.

Jump Rope Boxer Shuffle

Begin jumping rope with a two-foot hop. Immediately transition to a boxer shuffle by shifting weight into the right foot while stepping the left leg forward, tapping the heel to the ground. Quickly alternate sides, stepping back with the left foot while tapping the right heel in front. Continue to alternate the positioning of the feet as quickly as possible with each revolution of the jump rope for 40 seconds.

4-punch Combo (Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut)

Begin in a ready stance with the left foot forward and the right foot back if you are right-handed* (this is known as a lefty-stance). The feet should be approximately hip-width distance apart, with the front foot positioned between 12 and 1 o’clock and the back foot positioned between 2 and 3 o’clock; keep the elbows bent and the hands directly below chin. With your left hand perform a jab, punching directly out in front at approximately shoulder height. Immediately follow with a right cross, pivoting on the back foot and rotating the hips as you punch, crossing the right arm in front of the body. Then perform a left hook, drawing the left arm out and then around, bending the left elbow out to the left side at approximately shoulder height. Pivot on the feet and rotate the hips and shoulders toward the target as you complete the punch, keeping the opposite right hand just below the chin. Finish the sequence with a right upper cut; lower the right hand down to the ribs as you bend the knees, keeping the elbow close to the body and the hand in a fist with palm side facing up. Quickly explode up, punching directly upward until you reach chin level. Then recoil back to the starting ready-stance position. Repeat this 4-punch combination as many times as possible for 40 seconds.

Unstable Mountain Climbers

Place hands atop a medicine ball positioned directly below the chest and extend the legs out behind you with toes on floor, assuming a plank position. Keeping the core engaged, draw the right knee into the chest. With control quickly switch sides, stepping back with the right foot while drawing the left knee into the chest. Continue to alternate sides as quickly as possible for 40 seconds, keeping the hips and shoulders as squared to the floor as possible throughout the movement.

Double Hook Cross

From a ready-stance position, perform two hooks in a row with the left hand, opening the arm and elbow out at shoulder height before rotating the hips and shoulders toward the target to deliver back-to-back punches as quickly as possible. Immediately follow the second hook with a right cross, pivoting on the right foot and rotating the hips as the right arm crosses the body at shoulder height. Repeat this 3-punch sequence as many times as possible for 40 seconds.

Plyo Lunges

Begin in a split-stance position with the right foot forward and the left foot back. Bend both knees to lower into a lunge, allowing the torso to lean forward just slightly. Quickly jump switch the feet, moving into a lunge with the left foot forward and the right foot back. Continue alternating sides as quickly as possible, completing as many reps as possible in 40 seconds.

Duck, Jab, Hook

From ready-stance position, begin with a defense duck, hinging the hips and bending the knees to lower the body slightly as if to avoid a punch from an opponent. Immediately re-extend the legs and deliver a quick left jab, punching directly in front of the body at approximately shoulder height. Next, follow with a right hook, opening the arm and elbow out to the right at shoulder height. Pivot on the feet and rotate the hips and shoulders to deliver the punch. Return to the starting ready-stance position and repeat this 3-move sequence as many times as possible for 40 seconds.

Power Push-ups

Begin in a high-plank position with the hands positioned just slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping the core engaged and the spine neutral, bend the elbows, allowing them to flare out to the sides slightly as you lower the chest toward the floor. Press back up with power, maintaining body control as you release the hands from the floor, clapping hands together if possible. As the hands return to the floor, move directly into your next repetition, completing as many reps as possible in 40 seconds.

Jab, Cross, Slip, Uppercut

From ready-stance position, perform a left jab, punching directly in front of the body at approximately shoulder height before immediately throwing a right cross, pivoting on the right foot and rotating the hips as you punch across the body. Then perform an elusive slip to the left, ducking at an angle as you draw the right shoulder forward and the left shoulder back while bending the knees. Quickly finish with a left upper cut, exploding up with the left hand toward chin height as you rotate the body. Recoil back to the starting ready-stance position and repeat this 4-move combination as many times as possible for 40 seconds.

Squat Thrust

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Keep the core engaged and the hands in front of the chest with elbows bent as you hinge at the hips and lower into a squat position. Place both hands to the ground, jumping or stepping the feet back to high-plank position. Reverse the movement, jumping or stepping the feet back to the hands and then return to standing. Complete as many reps as possible in 40 seconds while maintaining good form.

*The positioning of the feet is dependent on your dominate hand, so the stance and sequence of punches noted above are for someone who is right-handed. If you are left handed, simply switch the positioning of the feet (stand with the right foot forward and the left foot back) and begin each sequence with the right hand.

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