Christopher Gagliardi by Christopher Gagliardi

Partner exercises are a great way to add some creativity to your workouts, as well as offer possibilities for small group and group training. Check out this fun and unique partner workout, which includes exercises that are done during a jiu-jitsu class to help improve strength, balance and coordination.

THE WORKOUT (Perform 2 rounds)

Fireman carry lunge (20 feet)

Fireman carry lunge

One partner places the other in a fireman’s carry position and does a walking lunge while carrying partner.

Partner lying push-ups (30 seconds in each position)

Partner lying push-ups

One partner lies supine on the ground while the other gets into a push-up position placing their hands on your hands. The partner on the ground will lower the top person and then push them back up while they are pushing up on your hands.

1 arm squat (30 seconds alternating)

1 arm squat

Partners face each other, grasp opposite arms and take turns lowering and raising each other from a deep squat

Partner modified pull-up (30 seconds in each position)

Partner modified pull-up

One partner lies supine on the ground while the other stands over them with one foot on each side of the body. Partners will lock hands around forearms and then partner on ground will perform modified pull-up.

Ball and bear (30 seconds in each position)

Ball and bear

One partner lies supine on the ground and places their feet on the pelvis of their partner. The partner on the ground will slowly lift the other off the ground and begin to press once they are in a balanced position.

Partner get ups (30 seconds in each position)

Partner get ups

One person starts on all fours and the other climbs on their back and hangs on while the bottom partner moves into a standing position and then back to an all fours position.

Monkey drill (Once around each)

Monkey drill

monkey drill

Partners take turns climbing around each other without letting feet touch the ground (option add sit-ups when you get back to the front)

Fireman’s back squat (30 seconds in each position)

fireman's back squat

One partner places the other in a fireman’s carry position and then performs a squat from this position

Once you or your client gets comfortable with using a partner during their workout, see what kind of partner exercises you can come up with on your own!

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