5 Chair Exercises for Older Adults

| by in Active Aging
5 Chair Exercises for Older Adults

Exercise can help (and even alleviate) some of the health issues faced by older adults, but many people are simply unable to perform traditional workouts. Chair workouts can be a highly effective alternative, allowing individuals to train for strength, flexibility and balance. Here are a few sample chair exercises for older adults featuring each of these components of fitness that you can use with your clients.

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The Basics of Training Older Adults

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The Basics of Training Older Adults

Have you considered training older adults? According to the United States 2010 Census Bureau report, more than 40 million Americans are age 65 or older. That’s a huge potential market for your health and fitness services. Here are some recommended exercises and workouts for older adults, as well as additional factors to be aware of when working with an older population.

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5 Variations of the Body-weight Squat

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5 Variations of the Body-weight Squat

Many people consider the squat to be the king of all exercise moves, because it effectively works so many muscles of the body. Plus, there are numerous variations of the basic squat, which you can use with your clients to recruit different muscles and help stave off boredom. In addition to the basic body-weight squat, here are five squat variations to add to your exercise arsenal.

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5 Lunge Variations You Need to Try

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5 Lunge Variations You Need to Try

Strong, toned, powerful legs build a solid foundation for the body. While squats and deadlifts can be used to start a client’s foundation, lunges can add the perfect finishing touches to his or her quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Here are several lunge variations that can be used to add more dynamic and agility-based exercises into your clients’ workout routines.

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4 Deadlift Variations You Need to Try

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4 Deadlift Variations You Need to Try

If building a lot of muscle mass is among your clients’ fitness goals, the deadlift should be one of your go-to exercises. This power move helps train numerous major muscles, including the hamstrings, glutes, lower-back and trapezius muscles. Learn how to teach your clients this essential move, as well as five variations that challenge additional muscles.

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Mindful Movement: Coaching Clients to Become More Active

Inspire inactive individuals to find inner motivation for physical activity and experience its transformative benefits.

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