Does Sleep Help You Lose Weight?

| by in Exercise Science
Does Sleep Help You Lose Weight?

A growing body of research suggests that getting enough sleep leads to a wide range of health benefits, including weight loss. Urge your clients to make a commitment to increase sleep consistency, and they will not only sleep better, they will be more likely to achieve their weight-loss goals with greater ease. Here are some easy-to-implement tips for enhancing sleep that you can pass along to your clients.

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When Is The Best Time of Day to Exercise?

| by in Fitness
When Is The Best Time of Day to Exercise?

Operating in sync with your body’s circadian rhythm can help you sustain adequate energy levels and ensure recovery from exercise. However, things like artificial light, easy access to food and high levels of stress make it easy to override your natural circadian rhythm. Here are a handful of hormones and processes to keep in mind when attempting to identify your ideal time of day to exercise.

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How to Get Rid of That Pain in Your Neck

| by in Corrective Exercise
How to Get Rid of That Pain in Your Neck

While chronic neck pain may be caused by arthritis, permanent tissue damage or a long-standing injury, it’s sometimes the result of harmful patterns repeated day after day. But here’s some good news: Once you become aware of some of these habits and postures, you can start to modify them, which can help reduce your pain. Here are some common culprits, along with daily life modifications you can make to prevent your next episode of neck pain from ruining your day.

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Track Money Like Your Clients Track Calories

| by in Business
Track Money Like Your Clients Track Calories

Keeping track of money is a powerful habit that’s beneficial for setting goals for your business and yourself. Much like a food journal can reveal a bigger picture of what a person is eating, tracking your money makes it possible to make the necessary changes to reach your financial goals. These healthy money habits will go a long way toward improving your bottom line.

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8 Ways to Motivate Your Partner to Exercise

| by in Fitness
8 Ways to Motivate Your Partner to Exercise

When you love to exercise, it’s natural to want everyone around you to feel the good vibes, but influencing other people to change is challenging. Before you try to convince your partner (or anyone, for that matter) to exercise more often, read these important tips on how to clarify your own intentions and gently encourage more activity without potentially damaging the relationship.

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5 Steps to Helping Clients Feel Better With Exercise

| by in Behavior Change
5 Steps to Helping Clients Feel Better With Exercise

While some people have a natural, intrinsic motivation to exercise, others literally drag their feet to the gym. A deeper understanding of what drives behavior and makes your clients want to be fit will help you to inspire them more effectively. Use these behavior change strategies and leading questions to keep clients on track and on your schedule.

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Cash in on Downtime With These 5 Simple Tasks

| by in Business
Cash in on Downtime With These 5 Simple Tasks

What do you do when you have an unexpected break in your schedule? Work out? Socialize? Check email? Hold up a minute! Take a deep breath and contemplate the next step. This pause can transform unexpected downtime into uptime for your business. Question your go-to habits and consider incorporating one of these proven strategies for getting ahead in your career.

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Summer Exercise Choices for Individuals With Arthritis

| by in Disease Considerations
Summer Exercise Choices for Individuals With Arthritis

Hot weather can exacerbate arthritis symptoms and eliminate all motivation to move. Exercise, however, is one of the best ways to help manage the pain and discomfort of both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. Here are some great tips and exercises you can offer your clients that can help ease symptoms and reduce pain, no matter what the temperature is outside.

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An Underutilized Networking Strategy to Attract New Clients

| by in Business
An Underutilized Networking Strategy to Attract New Clients

Building relationships and networking with massage therapists, nutritionists, medical doctors, chiropractors and other health practitioners can help build a strong foundation source of referrals. But how do you make strong connections with quality, like-minded professionals? Here are five traits to work on developing in yourself, as well as ones you should look for in potential collaborators.

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6 Easy Steps to Raising Your Rates

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6 Easy Steps to Raising Your Rates

If you’re an independent health and fitness professional, you may be the only person who can give yourself a pay increase. Nobody wants to ask for more money, especially when you have to do it multiple times. But keeping up with inflation and earning a decent living are perfectly reasonable reasons for requesting a pay raise. Here are six steps to help you prepare for this exciting change.

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The Common Mistakes People Make When Warming Up

| by in Fitness
The Common Mistakes People Make When Warming Up

Has anyone told you to “warm up” before you exercise or play sports? It seems simple enough, doesn’t it? What’s easy to do is also easy not to do, and the biggest mistake people make is skipping this important component of exercise. Learn how to warm up properly (and why it’s so important) so you can be more effective with your physical activities.

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TRX Suspension Training Course!

Dive deep into the mechanics and techniques that will turn
routine workouts into transformative experiences.

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