4 Steps to Help Your Clients Prevent a Diet Relapse

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4 Steps to Help Your Clients Prevent a Diet Relapse

When it comes to losing weight, lapses and relapses are extremely common, and can be deeply troubling for clients. Our goal as health and fitness professionals is to help guide clients through the frustration of relapse and into a renewed commitment to their healthy eating and activity behaviors. Here are four steps to guide you through that process.

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Small Steps That Can Improve Your Health

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Small Steps That Can Improve Your Health

Want to make some healthy changes? Setting health-related goals and then breaking them down into smaller, realistic steps has proven to be an effective approach for creating healthy habits and achieving long-term changes in behavior. Learn how to make small, daily changes that will, over time, become established habits that will bring you closer to your health and fitness goals.

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3 Secrets to Forming New Healthy Habits

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3 Secrets to Forming New Healthy Habits

When working with clients who are trying to change behaviors, the goal is to help them identify and integrate new, healthier behaviors into their daily lives. Helping clients to acquire a new habit, or to do away with a routine behavior that is deeply entrenched, takes time and a plan. Learn how you can help your clients successfully form new healthy habits without having to rely heavily on motivation.

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The Coaching Approach to Behavior Change

| by in Behavior Change
The Coaching Approach to Behavior Change

The ACE Cycle of Change makes it possible to recognize and determine a client’s readiness to embrace the necessary behavior changes that will positively impact his or her life. Learn how to determine a client’s readiness to change by honing your interviewing skills, as this will give you the information you need to help the client design an approach to behavior change that is both achievable and effective.

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Making the Shift From “Educator” to “Facilitator”

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Making the Shift From “Educator” to “Facilitator”

“Telling” our clients what they need to do to reach their health and fitness goals rarely results in long-term lifestyle change. Instead, we need to help clients find the right answers within themselves. Learn how to transition from being an educator to a facilitator and help your clients find the strength and motivation within themselves to live healthier, happier lives.

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Mindful Movement: Coaching Clients to Become More Active

Inspire inactive individuals to find inner motivation for physical activity and experience its transformative benefits.

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