Building Core Strength with Yoga

| by in Lifestyle Medicine
Building Core Strength with Yoga

One of the many benefits of yoga is its capacity to build physical strength and mental fortitude. As our bodies sustain and flow through poses, we can get so lost in our breath and movement that we forget our muscles are hard at work. In nearly every yoga pose, our core is fired up, helping us move seamlessly from Downward Facing Dog to Warrior II to Triangle Pose. Once you start paying more attention to your core in yoga, you’ll notice how activated it is (or should be) in each pose.

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Yoga Poses to Effectively Stretch the IT Band

| by in Lifestyle Medicine
Yoga Poses to Effectively Stretch the IT Band

Tight IT bands—those long pieces of connective tissue that run along the outsides of the legs—can be symptomatic of imbalances or weaknesses in other parts of the legs or hips. Yoga, when practiced with proper alignment and body awareness, is effective for finding those imbalances and correcting them. Use these five poses as part of a larger yoga practice to stretch your IT bands and balance your body.

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ACE Health and Fitness Summit: Evidence-Based Nutrition
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