Do you, your clients, family members or friends have a personal story to share about weight loss or the desire to lose weight? We want to hear about it! ACE presents the My Body, My Life essay contest—A chance to win a $250 cash prize!
Weight loss is about more than your pant size…
We’ve all seen the ads on television, in magazines and online, promoting fad diets and magic pills with promises of delivering quick and easy weight loss. We live in a society that not only favors, but idealizes being thin and getting there in a hurry…without fully considering the health risks associated with weight-loss gimmicks and quick-fixes, or acknowledging that losing weight and living healthy is about so much more than your pant size, the number on the scale or how you look in a bathing suit.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can lead to a higher quality of life—one that affords you the physical and emotional freedom you deserve to accomplish the things in life that matter to you.
The American Council on Exercise® (ACE®) presents the My Body, My Life Essay Contest
Consider the following:
- What has motivated you to live healthier?
- Can you describe that precise moment in which you vowed to make a positive change in your life?
- If you’re just starting out, what do you hope to gain by reaching a healthier weight?
- If you’ve already reached your weight-loss goals, how has your quality of life, relationship with yourself as well as others, and overall health improved?
- Has your experience affected your family, workplace or community? If so, how?
- Where have you had successes as well as setbacks?
- What else can you share about your personal experience with managing your weight?
- What can we do to help you?
Keep in mind that no goal is too minor, no victory is too small…and be creative! We are looking for open, honest, unique and inspirational stories of perseverance, hope and compassion.
In 500 words or less, tell us about your desire and journey to live at a healthier weight. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting out or have already successfully achieved your weight-loss goals.
Hurry! Essay Submission Deadline: January 31, 2011
The top essay in both the youth category (ages 13–17) and adult category (18 and up) will be announced on February 21, 2011, and the winners will receive $250 in cash.
The top submissions will be featured on the American Council on Exercise contest webpage and may be used in helping ACE develop public service announcements that will drive our campaign to eliminate the dangerous and prevalent obesity epidemic in the United States.
Visit the contest webpage to read the full details and contest rules, and submit your story today! Forward to your clients, friends and family by sharing this article.