How do you keep your clients engaged in meeting their health and fitness goals when you see them only one or two hours a week?
Being available by phone, email or text between visits doesn’t always work. Even when you do your best to motivate your clients, keeping them invested in accomplishing their goals can be a challenge.
What if there was a place you could send them for workouts between your sessions? A place they could go for healthy recipes and unbiased, research-based truths about the latest fitness trends?
We’ve created ACEfit.com to be that place. In addition to helping empower your clients to make smart decisions when they’re away from you, it can help keep them committed to improving their health and fitness.
At ACEfit.com, people can choose workouts that complement what they do with you in weekly sessions. They can find ways to help their children develop healthy eating habits, and get tips about everything from exercising outdoors to managing their diabetes. They can even submit questions to experts who specialize in biomechanics, program design and behavior change.
In addition to providing tools to help your clients stay fit, ACEfit.com has resources for you—including new exercise ideas and the latest research on training techniques and fitness products.
The site also features a “Find an ACE Trainer” tool that allows people looking for a personal trainer, group fitness instructor or health coach to find you. By viewing your My ACE account profile, they’ll be able to see your credentials, evaluate your fitness specialties and decide if you are a good fit for them.
ACEfit.com truly brings our mission full circle. It gives us a platform to provide information to people who want to live their most fit lives, and it allows us to connect fitness professionals like you with the people who need you the most.