To address growing health and fitness concerns about our nation’s youth, while acknowledging the budget crisis faced by schools across the country, Henkel, the company behind some of the nation’s leading consumer brands, including Dial®, Purex®, Renuzit®, Right Guard®, and Soft Scrub®, launched Henkel Helps Get Kids Fit in the fall of 2010.

Henkel reached out to ACE, a leading authority on fitness, to help promote this campaign and support the efforts of those who participate. Through its Operation FitKids™ curriculum, ACE both inspires younger generations to get active and educates their parents, teachers, coaches and mentors on practices of safe and effective physical activity. ACE proudly supports Henkel’s campaign and marketing initiatives and is supplying the campaign's Web site with content and fitness facts to help get the word out on healthier living for the nation's youth.
This promotion, which is accompanied by an integrated in-store, direct and online marketing campaign for Henkel brand products, was created to encourage parents, students, educators and community members to nominate their local school by going online to answer a fundamental question: “What would your school do with $25,000 to improve youth fitness?” Finalists will be given a camera and asked to create a brief video that brings to life the health and fitness issues facing their school and their idea for making the most of the $25,000 prize. ACE looks forward to announcing a winner in January 2011.
For more information, visit the Youth Fitness section of the ACE GetFit Web site.
New Operation FitKidsTM Curriculum Available
From the American Council on Exercise

Did you know that ACE offers a free, downloadable curriculum called “Operation FitKids®”? Two curricula are available according to grade level: one for grades 3–5, and the just-released program for grades 6–8. Operation FitKids is primarily designed to give teachers free lesson plans for teaching students about health and fitness, but it is a great resource for anyone who might be interested in working with children in these age groups. It is filled with information about healthy eating and fun, activity-oriented fitness ideas to get kids moving. Take a look and pass it on to the teachers in your life, or think about ways you could deliver it to the kids in your community.
Access and download both curricula free of charge from the ACE website.