Serving as America’s Authority on Fitness®, ACE and its extended spokesperson network are regularly featured or quoted in print, online and broadcast media, reaching more than 450 million people each year. Check out these recent highlights: (July 21, 2010) – In "The Bone-Building Workout" by Linda Melone, Robyn Stuhr, clinical exercise physiologist and ACE spokesperson, explains which types of exercises help build strong bones. According to Stuhr, strength training should be performed several times a week, while weightbearing cardio exercise should be performed a little more often. She also adds that the amount of weight one should use varies, depending on an individual’s overall health and level of bone fitness.

Men’ (July 1, 2010) – In “What You Need to Know About H2O,” ACE exercise physiologist Fabio Comana addresses the potential connection between proper hydration during exercise and seeing results from workouts. The article is also full of helpful tips on how proper hydration can help with mental clarity, weight loss and one’s general appearance.

Southern Living (July 1, 2010) – Are you or one of your clients interested in competing in a triathlon, but not quite sure which exercises should be incorporated into your training regimen? ACE spokesperson Leigh Crews has some answers to get you started in “Triathlon Tips for the Rest of Us.” Her suggestions include adding side-to-side exercises to strengthen your entire body.

Web MD (June 23, 2010) – ACE exercise physiologist Pete McCall offers advice about how to get the most out of upper-body toning workouts with seated pulldowns, seated rows and plank-ups. He also explains why chair dips are ideal for working the triceps.
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