Sustainable Running for Performance and Recovery
Be sure to check out the Sustainable Running for Performance and Recovery live webinar on March 12, 2025, at 11:00 PM PDT. This one-hour course is designed specifically for health and exercise professionals aiming to enhance their clients’ running experiences. This free session will delve into expert techniques that balance performance and recovery, enabling you to support clients in achieving their running goals while minimizing injury risks. By attending, you’ll gain valuable insights into sustainable training practices that promote long-term success and well-being for your clients. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your professional expertise and make a lasting impact on your clients’ health and fitness journeys.
Once again, running is a hot trend, and chances are you have clients who not only want to finish the races they enter, they want to finish them faster than the time before. As a health and exercise professional, you know what it takes to help your clients get stronger and healthier, but do you know how to help them get faster? Here’s what you need to know to do just that.
Why Muscles are Like Factories
When I was a kid, I loved watching the TV sitcom, I Love Lucy. There is a famous episode during which Lucy and her friend Ethel work on an assembly line at a candy factory, where they are assigned to wrap pieces of chocolate as they came down the conveyor belt. At first, the job is easy, but then the speed of the conveyor belt quickens. Lucy and Ethel are unable to wrap each piece of chocolate in time before the next piece is already passing by them, so they grab handfuls of chocolate and shove them into their pockets and mouths. Clearly, increasing the speed of the conveyor belt didn’t help them produce more wrapped chocolates for the company.
What does all this have to do with becoming a better distance runner? As it turns out, this scene of a factory and an assembly line actually reveals the secret to how to become a better distance runner.
Deep inside the body’s muscle fibers are tiny factories called mitochondria, and the workers—the Lucys and Ethels—are the enzymes that catalyze the chemical reactions involved in aerobic metabolism. When the factories are stressed because of greater demand, more and larger factories will be built to increase their supply to match the demand, much like more and larger factories would be built to keep up with an increasing demand for chocolates. The more mitochondria runners’ muscles have, the greater their muscles’ capacity to use oxygen and the faster pace they will be able to sustain.
One of the biggest mistakes runners make is thinking that to run faster in races, they need to run faster in workouts. So, they run their workouts faster than their current fitness level dictates. I once coached a college runner who ran a 19-minute 5K but wanted to be trained like a 17:30 5K runner. I told her to run a 17:30 5K and then I’d train her like a 17:30 5K runner. Races, which tell runners their current level of fitness, dictate the training speeds, not the other way around. Don’t tell your distance-running clients to practice running faster; rather, help them run to improve the physiological characteristics—to make more assembly lines—that will enable them to run faster in the future.
Three Training Approaches for Improving Race Day Pace
Encourage your clients to try out one or more of the following training approaches to significantly improve their pace on race day.
Easy Runs and Long Runs
The purpose of easy and long runs is to stimulate the physiological, biochemical and molecular adaptations needed for aerobic endurance, including the storage of more fuel (glycogen) in muscles, an increased use of intramuscular fat at the same speed to spare glycogen, an increased number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, a greater capillary network for a more rapid diffusion of oxygen into the muscles and, through the complex activation of gene expression, an increased mitochondrial density and number of aerobic enzymes to enhance aerobic metabolic capacity. The speed of easy runs is not as important as their duration. The single biggest mistake competitive runners make is running their easy runs too fast. By doing so, they add unnecessary stress to their legs without any extra benefit and they won’t be able to run with as much quality on their harder workout days.
Instead, urge your clients to do easy runs at about 1½ to 2 minutes per mile slower than their current 5K race pace (about 70 to 75% maximum heart rate). As weekly mileage increases to more than 60 miles per week, runners may need to run even more slowly to handle the volume. I coached a 2:48 marathoner who slowed her easy runs down to a 10-minute pace as she reached 80 miles per week.
Anaerobic Threshold Runs
The anaerobic threshold (AT) demarcates the transition between running that is purely aerobic and running that includes significant oxygen-independent (anaerobic) metabolism and the development of acidosis. AT runs increase the speed at which AT occurs, which enables runners to run faster before anaerobic metabolism (and, thus, acidosis and fatigue) begins to play a significant role.
AT pace is about 10 to 15 seconds per mile slower than 5K race pace (or about 10K race pace; 75 to 80% max heart rate) for recreational runners and about 25 to 30 seconds per mile slower than 5K race pace (or about 15 to 20 seconds per mile slower than 10K race pace; 85 to 90% max heart rate) for talented and trained runners. The pace, which should be held continuously for 15 to 30 minutes or run as five- to 10-minute reps with short recovery intervals, should feel comfortably hard, at the upper end of being purely aerobic.
VO2max Intervals
VO2max is the maximum volume of oxygen muscles can consume per minute and is determined, in part, by the heart’s ability to pump blood and oxygen. VO2max intervals increase VO2max by strengthening the heart to pump more blood with each beat; these intervals are run at the pace at which VO2max occurs, which corresponds to maximum heart rate. The pace, which should be held for three- to five-minute reps, is about 1- to 1.5-mile race pace for recreational runners and 2-mile race pace (10 to 15 seconds per mile faster than 5K race pace) for highly trained competitive runners.
Anaerobic Capacity Intervals
Anaerobic capacity refers to the ability to regenerate energy (ATP) through glycolysis. Runners train anaerobic capacity to get faster by recruiting fast-twitch muscle fibers, by increasing the number of enzymes involved in the glycolytic energy pathway, and by enhancing their acidosis buffering capacity. The speed of these workouts, which should be held for 30- to 90-second reps, should be just fast enough to cause acidosis and recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers—400- to 800-meter race pace for recreational runners and 800-meter to mile race pace for competitive runners
For all types of workouts, increase the pace only once your client’s fitness level is higher, which can often be determined from a race. For example, if a client’s VO2max pace is 6:00 minutes per mile (that is, a 6:00 minute per mile pace will cause them to reach max heart rate and VO2max during the reps), running at a 5:45 minutes per mile pace will also cause them to reach max heart rate and VO2max during the reps. But, since the key is to run only as fast as needed to meet the purpose of the workout, don’t have your client run at a 5:45 minute pace when a 6:00 minute pace will suffice. Instead, have them do more reps at the correct pace—6:00 minutes per mile—rather than fewer reps at faster than the correct pace.
Ultimately, improving race-day pace isn’t just about speed—it’s about strategic training and patience. By guiding your clients with a smart, structured approach, you can help them build endurance, confidence and lasting success in their running journey.