Provider: ACE - American Council On Exercise
Type: Online Course
Online Content
Online Quiz
CEC Credits: ACE 0.4 CECs

Flexibility is an important component of a health and fitness program and can aid in muscle recovery and pain management, yet it is often overlooked by clients. In this course, you will learn to facilitate a stretching program for your clients by assisting them properly. Explore the three principles of force application that help you determine where to place your hands, what direction to push, and how much force to use when helping clients stretch. Stretch your clients safely and effectively using techniques for specific areas of the body.

You will learn:

  • How the law of action-reaction relates to assisted stretching and how to apply it

  • To identify form errors that occur when principles of force application have been violated

  • How stretching can help alleviate chronic lower back pain and peripheral neuropathies


There were still some questions on the final exam that were NEVER introduced in this course, it is a bit annoying because I would have done even better on my exam. I really don't know why they do that

Good course, but this BAC Backs that's mentioned in the course, that WASN'T covered in the course as well as a few other things wasn't cool. Would've gotten a higher star rating if all that was covered.