Provider: ACE - American Council On Exercise
Type: Online Course
Online Quiz
CEC Credits: ACE 0.4 CECs
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Help Your Clients Hone In on Nutrition

Helping your clients reach their health and weight loss goals requires more than fitness instruction alone. Nutrition is a crucial part of an overall health and fitness plan, but the field of nutrition is broad and rapidly expanding, with new knowledge being published regularly. Amidst this changing environment, you have an important role to play in educating your clients and guiding them to make informed decisions about what to consume, while staying within your scope of practice. This course will help you build a foundation in nutrition and weight loss, including how diet impacts physical activity and performance, so you can advise clients on their nutritional choices and help them live healthier lives.

Taught by Dr. Laura Kruskall, the Director of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, this course is intended for health and fitness professionals who want to learn the basics of sound nutrition and weight management. The course will also define the acceptable scope of giving nutritional advice for health and fitness professionals, and when clients should be referred to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN).

You will learn:

  • The basic rules of nutrition, including Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA MyPlate tool
  • Step-by-step nutritional guidance that you can share with clients
  • The various energy systems that power the body and the basics of digestion
  • To identify symptoms of various eating disorders
  • Where to find credible nutrition information that can be shared with clients


Well organized & easy to understand. I would recommend this course.