Provider: ACE - American Council On Exercise
Type: Online Course
Online Content
Online Quiz
CEC Credits: ACE 0.1 CECs
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Discover Staffing Secrets for Business Success

Is your health club or fitness facility plagued by high turnover? Low engagement a problem? Revenue missing the mark? Many of these undesirable outcomes are the result of an unengaged, unexcited and underutilized staff.

In this video training taught by Lauren Shroyer, MS, ATC, ACE Senior Director of Product Development, you will learn realistic and applicable staffing strategies that can be implemented to bolster your business and help your facility boost its reputation. Attract, grow and retain top employees now so you can reap the benefits of higher revenue and memberships in the future.

You will learn:

  • How to hire the right people by identifying the winning combination of knowledge and soft skills within candidates
  • To engage staff by empowering and inspiring them to perform to expectations
  • To retain top performing team members by implementing simple perks and incentives to ensure you are the preferred employer


As still being new to my position where I am in charge of GFIs and PTs as well as other employees, I think it was as great course that can also be used outside of the fitness industry. I have taken away many new things that I hope to implement in future hiring events.

I enjoyed the course being split into multiple parts, it's easier to process as well as helpful if you had issues with buffering in other course videos. I truly appreciate the knowledge shared here. Even though I have not considered a managerial or hiring role, I have observed that many facilities struggle to hire and retain staff as they cast an overly wide net, not clarify expectations and rule with an iron fist. Even the example of letting a staff member go was inspiring as it opened up opportunities for that person to explore past their previous job role.

I really appreciated that the course was broken down into digestible chunks instead of having to sit in an hour plus session. This also allows for completing the course in more than one sitting if needed. Content was very relevant and useful.