Easy to understand with some really good information. Good pacing and a nice mix of theory and workshop demo's!
- Continuing Education
Weightlifting for Women
Provider: | ACE - American Council On Exercise |
Type: | Online Course |
Included: |
Online Content
Online Quiz
Recorded Video
CEC Credits: | ACE 0.1 CECs |
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Integrating Weightlifting into Women’s Fitness Routines
For years, women have avoided strength training because of stigmas based on myth vs science. While times have changed and women are understanding the benefits of strength training through weightlifting more and more, we still have a long way to go. The fact is, weightlifting is a necessity for postural alignment and skeletal integrity in women.
With approximately 30% more men than women utilizing resistance training (as stated in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health), women will experience a lack of muscular strength supporting their skeletal structure. In this video training, you will explore the possible reasons for this lack of engagement in women and weightlifting, plus the known physiological benefits gained from weightlifting. You will also learn the best strength exercises women should be performing regularly for functionality and performance in life and sport.
Led by international educator, Farel Hruska, you will walk away understanding the needs of women so you can show them that lifting weights is not just okay, it’s vital to their fitness. With nearly 20 years in the fitness industry as a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, author and educator, Hruska has a unique specialty in women’s health. From the physical components to emotional and cognitive coaching, she understands how to holistically approach training women.
Upon completion, you will be able to:
• Recognize the main reasons why women haven’t included weightlifting into their fitness routine
• Explain the benefits of weightlifting to posture and injury avoidance
• Understand the most beneficial strength exercises to perform regularly
Very much enjoyed Farel's take on training women and being more encouraging as trainers.
the instructor did a great job with the material and was engaging
It was a joy! The material was presented clearly.
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