Provider: ACE - American Council On Exercise
Type: Online Course
Online Quiz
Recorded Video
CEC Credits: ACE 0.5 CECs , ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine 5.0 CECs, NCSF - National Council on Strength & Fitness 2.5 CEUs, NETA - National Exercise Trainers Association 5.0 CECs

Gain the tools to transform both your practice and your clients' lives. 

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, achieving lasting health and wellness is more critical than ever. This course offers innovative, practical solutions to help individuals embrace sustainable health habits. From holistic yoga to advanced recovery techniques, you'll gain the skills needed to enhance your own practice and make a lasting impact on your clients' lives. 

Whether you're a fitness professional, enthusiast, or passionate about wellness, this course is designed for you. Explore the latest trends and techniques through five dynamic sessions led by top industry experts, and elevate your approach to wellness and longevity. 

Content includes: 

Module 1: Panel Discussion: The Role of Exercise in Health Span and Longevity 

Presented by: Jan Schroeder, PhD, ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and Professor of Kinesiology at Long Beach State University

Lauren Shroyer, MS, ATC, ACE Vice President of Product and Innovation 

Pete McCall, MS, CSCS, ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Exercise Science Author 

Explore how tailored strength training can boost longevity and health with expert insights on life span-specific fitness strategies. 

Module 2: Movement Made Simple: From Sitting to Strong in No Time! 

Presented by: Sean Foy, Founder and President of Personal Wellness Corporation,  
Exercise Physiologist, and behavioral coach and author 

Discover actionable insights on how to inspire and engage sedentary individuals with effective movement strategies and create impactful wellness campaigns.  

Module 3: Yoga: A Practice for Whole-Self Longevity & Wellness 

Presented by: Kate Lombardo, E-RYT 500, Yoga Teacher Trainer and Wellness Business Coach, and Co-director of YogaRenew 

Explore the holistic benefits of yoga, including its impact on physical health, mental resilience, and longevity. 

Module 4: Leveraging Wearables to Access and Improve Longevity  

Presented by: Rory Sutherland, MS, CSCS, ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist and Strength coach  

Learn how to effectively utilize wearable technology to track and improve health metrics, enhancing client outcomes. 

Module 5: Pilates Mat Foundations: A Movement-Based Exploration of the Method 

Presented by: Mychele Sims, RYT 200, Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, and ACE Certified Personal Trainer and GFI  

Integrate Pilates principles into your training routines to boost flexibility, posture, and core strength. 

Upon completion, you will be able to:  

  • Understand how exercise physiology and strength training contribute to longevity.
  • Develop impactful movement strategies to motivate sedentary individuals.
  • Recognize the benefits of yoga on physical health, mental resilience and quality of life. 
  • Implement wearable technology to track and improve health metrics, enhancing client outcomes.
  • Integrate mat Pilates principles into your client and class programming to support a comprehensive approach to longevity. 

CEC Credits

Approved by the following organizations for continuing education hours:

ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine
5.0 CECs

ACSM - American College Of Sports Medicine Approval

The American College of Sports Medicine's Professional Education Committee certifies that "American Council on Exercise" meets the criteria for official ACSM Approved Provider status from (2021 - December 2023). Providership # 687637

NCSF - National Council on Strength & Fitness
2.5 CEUs
NETA - National Exercise Trainers Association
5.0 CECs


It is a great course, I wish there is notes available to keep for my reference. That is the reason for 4 stars overall rating