American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

Your Roadmap to a Healthier, Happier You

 Kick start your new year with this 12-week exercise program designed by ACE, to build total body muscular fitness, enhance cardiorespiratory fitness, improve health and increase energy. It’s a great introductory program for those new to exercise, or it can be used as a dynamic warm-up for those with more experience. 

Weeks 5-8 (Phase II)

Movement Training with Cardiorespiratory Endurance

Now that you’re on week 5 of ACE’s Kick Start Workout, it’s time to increase the level of difficulty and progress to a movement-based training program. The cardiovascular conditioning goal for the second phase of the program is to progress from walking to walk-jog intervals. For resistance training, the goal is to develop effective motor control and coordination to perform the five primary movement patterns without compromising postural or joint stability:

  • single-leg movements
  • bend-and-lift movements
  • Pushing movements
  • Pulling movements
  • Rotational movements

Most of these exercises can be done without any external resistance using only body-weight; however, we recommend simple equipment or at-home items to add more to your workout including a straight bar (such as a  dowel or broom handle), a set of dumbbells (heavy cans of food can be substituted) and a medicine ball (a heavy book or gallon of liquid could be used instead). For optimal results do these exercises on at least two three days per week.

Your Exercises for Weeks 5-8 Will Include: 

  • Hip Hinge
  • Front Squat
  • Push-up
  • Forward Lunge
  • Bent-over Row
  • Side Lunge
  • Seated Shoulder Press
  • Seated Trunk Rotations
  • Triceps Kickbacks
  • Standing Hammer Curls

Week 5


Before diving into the workout’s exercises, be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes by walking or marching in place. Or, as another option, you can do the three warm-up exercises below.

Warm-Up Exercise #1: Glute Bridge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, place the left foot on the right knee and use only the right hip for 6-8 repetitions. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #2: Front Plank

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 15-20 seconds. Rest 30 seconds before completing one additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, raise one leg, point the foot and hold for 3-5 seconds. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #3: Side Plank (for Beginner Level), or Modified Side Plank (for Intermediate Level)

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-15 seconds on each side. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set.

Core Exercises

During week 5 of the program, do only one set of each exercise as described resting for at least 45 seconds before doing the next exercise.

Exercise #1: Hip Hinge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Exercise #2: Front Squat

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (You can also do the front squat without dumbbells. Simply cross your arms across your chest, or to increase the level of difficulty, hold your hands behind your ears with the elbows sticking straight out to the side).

Exercise #3: Push-up

  • Perform one set of as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP) while maintaining good form. As soon as you lose proper form, that is your cue to stop. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If traditional push-ups are difficult, you can use bent-knee pushups as an alternative.)

Exercise #4: Forward Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the level of difficulty and activate the glutes and lower back muscles, you can also try the Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers.)

Exercise #5: Bent-over Row

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (Ideally this exercise would be performed with a light barbell, but a set of dumbbells or heavy cans of food can be used instead. (If using dumbbells or cans, be sure to watch the video for details on proper arm positioning and how to perform this exercise.)

Exercise #6: Side Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the intensity, add resistance by using a set of light-to-moderate dumbbells or heavy cans and hold them by the shoulders as described in the front squat progression).

Exercise #7: Seated Shoulder Press

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. If you don’t have dumbbells, you can perform this exercise using cans of food. (To increase the intensity, try the exercise in a standing position. When doing so, be sure to keep the feet approximately hip-width apart with one foot slightly in front of the other.)

Exercise #8: Seated Trunk Rotations

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you don’t have a medicine ball, you can perform this exercise using a heavy book or a gallon of liquid.)

Optional Exercises

These arm exercises are optional. If you feel you have time to devote to additional exercises or if you want to emphasize muscular development in your arms, feel free to add them to your workout.

Optional Exercise #1: Triceps Kickbacks

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)

Optional Exercise #2: Standing Hammer Curls

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)


Perform these exercises as a cool-down to properly stretch the muscles used during the workout.

Cool-down Exercise #1: Cat-Cow

  • Perform one set of 8-10 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before doing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Cool-down Exercise #2: Downward-facing Dog

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-30 seconds. Come back to all fours and rest 5-10 seconds and repeat for 4-5 repetitions.

Cardio Session

Walk continuously for 20 minutes based on the intensity levels and timing below. You will start with a walking pace where it is easy to talk comfortably, and then increase the speed of the walk to a pace where speaking in complete sentences becomes difficult, before returning to the comfortable pace of walking for the last 5 minutes. Perform this cardio session a minimum of three separate times during the week.

  • 10 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)


Week 6


Be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes by walking or marching in place. Or, as another option, you can do the three warm-up exercises below.

Warm-Up Exercise #1: Glute Bridge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, place the left foot on the right knee and use only the right hip for 6-8 repetitions. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #2: Front Plank

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 15-20 seconds. Rest 30 seconds before completing one additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, raise one leg, point the foot and hold for 3-5 seconds. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #3: Side Plank (for Beginner Level), or Modified Side Plank (for Intermediate Level)

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-15 seconds on each side. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set.

Core Exercises

During week 6 of the program, progress to doing two sets of each exercise resting for 45 seconds between each set. Complete both sets before progressing to the next exercise.

Exercise #1: Hip Hinge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Exercise #2: Front Squat

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (You can also do the front squat without dumbbells. Simply cross your arms across your chest, or to increase the level of difficulty, hold your hands behind your ears with the elbows sticking straight out to the side).

Exercise #3: Push-up

  • Perform one set of as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP) while maintaining good form. As soon as you lose proper form, that is your cue to stop. Rest 45 seconds before performing another set, then rest for 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If traditional push-ups are difficult, you can use bent-knee pushups as an alternative.)

Exercise #4: Forward Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the level of difficulty and activate the glutes and lower back muscles, you can also try the Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers.)

Exercise #5: Bent-over Row

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (Ideally this exercise would be performed with a barbell, but a set of dumbbells or heavy cans of food can be used instead. If using dumbbells or cans, be sure to watch the video for details on proper arm positioning and how to perform this exercise.)

Exercise #6: Side Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the intensity, add resistance by using a set of light-to-moderate dumbbells or heavy cans and hold them by the shoulders like described in the front squat progression).

Exercise #7: Seated Shoulder Press

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you don’t have dumbbells, you can perform this exercise using cans of food. To increase the intensity, try the exercise in a standing position. When doing so, be sure to keep the feet approximately hip-width apart with one foot slightly in front of the other.)

Exercise #8: Seated Trunk Rotations

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you don’t have a medicine ball, you can perform this exercise using a heavy book or a gallon of liquid.)

Optional Exercises

These arm exercises are optional. If you feel you have time to devote to additional exercises or if you want to emphasize muscular development in your arms, feel free to add them to your workout.

Optional Exercise #1: Triceps Kickbacks

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)

Optional Exercise #2: Standing Hammer Curls

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 45 seconds. Perform an additional set, then rest 45 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)


Perform these exercises as a cool-down to properly stretch the muscles used during the workout.

Cool-down Exercise #1: Cat-Cow

  • Perform one set of 8-10 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before doing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Cool-down Exercise #2: Downward-facing Dog

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-30 seconds. Come back to all fours and rest 5-10 seconds and repeat for 4-5 repetitions.

Cardio Session

For week 6, walk continuously for 22 minutes based on the intensity levels and timing below. You will start with a walking pace where it is easy and comfortable to speak in complete sentences, and then increase the speed of the walk to a pace where it is difficult to speak in complete sentences. Then you will return to a comfortable pace where you can speak in complete sentences before increasing again to a difficult pace, followed by a few minutes of comfortable walking to cool down. Perform this cardio session a minimum of three different times during the week.

  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 2 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)


Week 7 


Be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes by walking or marching in place. Or, as another option, you can do the three warm-up exercises below.

Warm-Up Exercise #1: Glute Bridge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, place the left foot on the right knee and use only the right hip for 6-8 repetitions. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #2: Front Plank

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 15-20 seconds. Rest 30 seconds before completing one additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, raise one leg, point the foot and hold for 3-5 seconds. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #3: Side Plank (for Beginner Level), or Modified Side Plank (for Intermediate Level)

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-15 seconds on each side. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set.

Core Exercises

During week 7 of the program, you will complete one set of each exercise resting 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. You will repeat this series two additional times to fully complete three sets.

Exercise #1: Hip Hinge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Exercise #2: Front Squat

  • Perform one set of 8-1515 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (You can also do the front squat without dumbbells. Simply cross your arms across your chest, or to increase the level of difficulty, hold your hands behind your ears with the elbows sticking straight out to the side).

Exercise #3: Push-up

  • Perform one set of as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP) while maintaining good form. As soon as you lose proper form, that is your cue to stop. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If traditional push-ups are difficult, you can try bent-knee pushups as an alternative.)

Exercise #4: Forward Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the level of difficulty and activate the glutes and lower back muscles, you can also try the Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers.)

Exercise #5: Bent-over Row

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (Ideally this exercise would be performed with a barbell, but a set of dumbbells or heavy cans of food can be used as an option. If using dumbbells or cans, be sure to watch the video for details on proper arm positioning and how to perform this exercise.)

Exercise #6: Side Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the intensity, add resistance by using a set of light-to-moderate dumbbells or heavy cans and hold them by the shoulders like described in the front squat progression).

Exercise #7: Seated Shoulder Press

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you don’t have dumbbells, you can perform this exercise using cans of food. To increase the intensity, try the exercise in a standing position. When doing so, be sure to keep the feet approximately hip-width apart with one foot slightly in front of the other).

Exercise #8: Seated Trunk Rotations

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (If you don’t have a medicine ball, you can perform this exercise using a heavy book or a gallon of liquid.)

Rest for 1 minute between each round. Repeat this series two more times, to fully complete three sets of all exercises.

Optional Exercises

These arm exercises are optional. If you feel you have time to devote to additional exercises or if you want to emphasize muscular development in your arms, feel free to add them to your workout.

Optional Exercise #1: Triceps Kickbacks

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)

Optional Exercise #2: Standing Hammer Curls

  • Perform one set of 15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Repeat this series two more times, to fully complete three sets of exercises. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)


Perform these exercises as a cool-down to properly stretch the muscles used during the workout.

Cool-down Exercise #1: Cat-Cow

  • Perform one set of 8-10 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before doing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Cool-down Exercise #2: Downward-facing Dog

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-30 seconds. Come back to all fours and rest 5-10 seconds and repeat for 4-5 repetitions.

Cardio Session

During week 7, you will begin to introduce a slow jog into your workout. Perform this 22-minute cardio routine based on the intensity levels and timing below, a minimum of three separate times during the week. You will start with a walking pace where it is easy and comfortable to speak in complete sentences, and then increase the speed of the walk to a pace where it is difficult to speak in complete sentences. Then you will introduce a slow jog, before returning to a pace comfortable to speak. You’ll once again work in a few more minutes of a slow jog, and then cool down with comfortable walking.

  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Slow Jog (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Slow Jog (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)


Week 8 


Be sure to warm up for 3-5 minutes by walking or marching in place. Or, as another option, you can do the three warm-up exercises below.

Warm-Up Exercise #1: Glute Bridge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, place the left foot on the right knee and use only the right hip for 6-8 repetitions. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #2: Front Plank

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 15-20 seconds. Rest 30 seconds before completing one additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise. (To increase the intensity of the exercise, raise one leg, point the foot and hold for 3-5 seconds. Be sure to switch legs to complete the set.)

Warm-Up Exercise #3: Side Plank (for Beginner Level), or Modified Side Plank (for Intermediate Level)

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-15 seconds on each side. Rest 30 seconds before completing an additional set.

Core Exercises

During week 8 of the program, your goal is to complete an entire circuit of exercises before taking a recovery interval of two minutes. For best results, complete the circuit three times.

Exercise #1: Hip Hinge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise.

Exercise #2: Front Squat

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (You can also do the front squat without dumbbells. Simply cross your arms across your chest, or to increase the level of difficulty, hold your hands behind your ears with the elbows sticking straight out to the side).

Exercise #3: Push-up

  • Perform one set of as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP)while maintaining good form. As soon as you lose proper form, that is your cue to stop. Immediately move to the next exercise. (If traditional push-ups are difficult, you can use bent-knee pushups as an alternative.)

Exercise #4: Forward Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the level of difficulty and activate the glutes and lower back muscles, you can also try the Forward Lunge with Arm Drivers.)

Exercise #5: Bent-over Row

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (Ideally this exercise would be performed with a barbell, but a set of dumbbells or heavy cans of food can be used as an option. If using dumbbells or cans, be sure to watch the video for details on proper arm positioning and how to perform this exercise.)

Exercise #6: Side Lunge

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left leg action as one complete repetition. To increase the intensity, add resistance by using a set of light-to-moderate dumbbells or heavy cans and hold them by the shoulders like described in the front squat progression).

Exercise #7: Seated Shoulder Press

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (If you don’t have dumbbells, you can perform this exercise using cans of food. To increase the intensity, try the exercise in a standing position. When doing so, be sure to keep the feet approximately hip-width apart with one foot slightly in front of the other.)

Exercise #8: Seated Trunk Rotations

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (If you don’t have a medicine ball, you can perform this exercise using a heavy book or a gallon of liquid.)

Rest for 2 minutes. For the most effective workout, aim at repeating this series two more times, to fully complete three sets of all exercises.

Optional Exercises

These arm exercises are optional. If you feel you have time to devote to additional exercises or if you want to emphasize muscular development in your arms, feel free to add them to your workout.

Optional Exercise #1: Triceps Kickbacks

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)

Optional Exercise #2: Standing Hammer Curls

  • Perform one set of 8-15 repetitions. Immediately move to the next exercise. (When counting repetitions, count both the right and left arm action as one complete repetition.)

Rest for 2 minutes. For the most effective workout, aim at repeating this series two more times, to fully complete three sets of all exercises.


Perform these exercises as a cool-down to properly stretch the muscles used during the workout.

Cool-down Exercise #1: Cat-Cow

  • Perform one set of 8-10 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds before an additional set. Rest 30 seconds before moving to the next exercise.

Cool-down Exercise #2: Downward-facing Dog

  • Perform one set by holding this exercise for 10-30 seconds. Come back to all fours and rest 5-10 seconds and repeat for 4-5 repetitions.

Cardio Session

During week 8, you will incorporate two slow jog intervals into your workout. Perform this 25-minute cardio routine based on the intensity levels and timing below, a minimum of three separate times during the week. You will start with a walking pace where it is easy and comfortable to speak in complete sentences, and then increase the speed of the walk to a pace where it is difficult to speak in complete sentences, and then progress to a slow jog. You’ll go back to walking at a comfortable pace, increase again to a slow jog, back to a fast walk and then follow-up with a few minutes of cool-down with walking at a comfortable pace.

  • 5 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Fast Walk (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 5 Minutes: Slow Jog (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Slow Jog (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Fast Walk (Difficult to speak in complete sentences)
  • 3 Minutes: Walk (Comfortable to speak in complete sentences)

Continue to Phase III!


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