Arm Exercises
Triceps Pushdowns
- Target Body Part:
- Arms
- Equipment:
- Weight Machines / Selectorized
- Difficulty:
Step 1
Starting Position: Stand facing the cable machine and position the cable attachment at a height above your head. Attach the handle or rope and grasp it firmly with a full grip (thumbs clasped around the handle or rope). Position your feet hip-width apart or in a staggered-stance (walking) position. Stiffen (“brace”) your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine with a natural arch in your low back, keeping your torso aligned vertically with the floor and maintaining this position throughout the exercise.
Depress and retract your scapulae (pull shoulders back and down) and attempt to hold this position throughout the exercise. Slowly press the handles / rope down to the starting positon where your elbows are aligned with the mid-point of your trunk, arms postioned firmly by sides and wrists in neutral positon (i.e., aligned with your forearms). This arm and wrist position should be maintained throughout the exercise.
Step 2
Gently exhale and slowly extend your elbows, pressing the handle / rope down towards the floor. Maintain your torso, shoulder, arm and wrist position throughout the movement
Step 3
Continue pressing the weight with your elbows right next to your side while maintaining a neutral position with your wrists until your elbows become fully extended, (do not allow them to "lock out" in full extension). Pause momentarily then slowly return to your starting position, allowing your elbows to flex (bend) in a slow, controlled manner moving the handle / rope upwards until your elbows begin to drift forward from the mid-line of your trunk (around upper chest level). Repeat the movement.
Step 4
Exercise Variation: This exercise can also be performed unilaterally (one arm at a time )
While this exercise targets the triceps effectively, proper technique is important to emphasize these muscles. It is important to monitor the forward movement of your elbows as this recruits from your lats (back muscles) and reduces the emphasis on the triceps.

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