Step 1

Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in each hand, turn yourself to face away from the anchor point. Position your hands overhead with a 90 degree bend in your elbows, and elbows pointing forward with neutral wrists (not in flexion or extension). Assume a split-stance position, lunging forward until the straps become tight and maintain this foot position throughout the exercise. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core/abdominal muscles ("bracing").

Step 2

Upward Phase: Exhale and slowly extend (straighten) your elbows by pressing your body away from your arms. Your upper arms should not move, your elbows should continue to point forward (away from your body) and your wrists should remain in the neutral position. Maintain a stiff torso aligning your head and spine, and avoid any sagging or aching in your low back or hips.

Step 3

Downward Phase: While maintaining a stable torso, inhale and slowly lower your body back towards your starting position keeping your head and spine aligned together.

Step 4

Progression: The intensity of this exercise can be increased by positioning your body further away from under the anchor point of the TRX and lengthening the straps.

Using the TRX certainly enhances the appeal of many exercises. However, trainers and individuals should not participate in these advanced exercises until they can demonstrate capability to effectively stabilize their lumber spine (low back) with their core muscles.

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