ACE Professional Profile

Carolyn Pierce


Carolyn Pierce

Westminster, MD USA 21157

(410) 259-8176


Whether you want to improve your flexibility, lose weight, build muscle or just reap the benefits of moving your body, let's put my experience, enthusiasm and energy behind you to help you achieve your goals too! As a holistic health coach and personal trainer, we don't just focus on exercise, but on all of the pillars of total health. Keep doing what you're doing and keep getting what you're getting. Or FLIP YOURS! Let's change your thinking, change your actions, change your life!

Ace Credentials

ACE Certified Personal Trainer, ACE Certified Health Coach

Years as an Ace Pro


Programs and Rates

Semi-private / Small Group Training: $259.00

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise
Disease Considerations
Program Design
Strength Training
Weight Management
Women's Health


Personal Trainer Specific Information

Years Of Experience

6-10 years

Preferred Client Type

Older Adult, Healthy Adult, Overweight, Underweight, Post Rehab

Client Training Locations

Other, Flip Yours Fitness & Wellness—Westminster, Maryland

Average Clients Weekly


ACE Health Coach Specific Information

Years of Experience

6-10 years

Preferred Client Type

Overweight, Underweight, Obese, Other, Aging/hormone weight

Client Training Locations
