The ACE Do It Better Series: The Turkish Get-up

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The ACE Do It Better Series: The Turkish Get-up

The Turkish get-up looks deceptively simple, and yet it is an incredibly functional, total-body exercise requiring upper-body strength and shoulder stability to keep the weight overhead, as well as a strong core, hips and glutes to lift your body up off the floor while maintaining a tall spine. In this latest installment of ACE’s exclusive technique series, which includes a video and step-by-step instructions, learn how to help your clients do it better. 

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The ACE Do It Better Series: Chin-ups

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The ACE Do It Better Series: Chin-ups

Chin-ups are one of the most challenging body-weight exercises and one that many clients love to hate. But chin-ups are incredibly beneficial—not only do they strengthen the involved muscles, chin-ups can also help improve grip strength, posture and appearance, all while helping to reduce one’s risk of back pain and injury. In this latest installment of ACE’s exclusive technique series, which includes video and step-by-step instructions, learn how to teach your clients how to master the chin-up.

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The ACE Do it Better Series: The Two-handed Kettlebell Swing

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The ACE Do it Better Series: The Two-handed Kettlebell Swing

Many people consider the kettlebell swing to be the perfect exercise. It raises the heart rate, burns calories, builds lower-body power, improves grip strength and effectively strengthens the muscles of the glutes, legs, core, shoulders and upper back. The key to performing the two-handed kettlebell swing safely and effectively, of course, is proper technique. Here are step-by-step instructions and a video demonstration to help you and your clients master this highly effective exercise.   

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The ACE Do It Better Series: The Deadlift

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The ACE Do It Better Series: The Deadlift

The name sounds intimidating, but the deadlift is arguably one of the most effective exercises your clients should be doing. The key to maximizing results and minimizing risk of injury is perfect technique. This article highlights the benefits of the deadlift—for both men and women—and features step-by-step instructions and a video demonstration on how to teach this highly effective and empowering move to your clients.

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How to Help Your Clients Avoid Common Lower Leg and Foot Injuries

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How to Help Your Clients Avoid Common Lower Leg and Foot Injuries

Exercise offers overwhelmingly positive benefits, but active individuals are, unfortunately, at risk for experiencing injuries to the muscles of the foot and lower leg, such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendon tears. Learn how the foot and lower leg function together during upright movement so you can design exercise programs that improve the strength and resiliency of these muscles and help clients avoid debilitating injuries that can keep them from their favorite activities.

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The Surprising Benefits of Performing Daily Mobility Exercises

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The Surprising Benefits of Performing Daily Mobility Exercises

As a health and exercise professional, you know the importance of performing exercises that take the joints through their full range of motion, but exactly how much mobility training is needed to keep the body moving as it should? This article highlights the connections between mobility and movement, how it affects the ability to perform a wide range of daily activities and how to incorporate mobility training exercises into your clients’ programs.

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You Can Do It: The Transformative Power of Going Outside Your Comfort Zone and Tackling Extreme Challenges

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You Can Do It: The Transformative Power of Going Outside Your Comfort Zone and Tackling Extreme Challenges

Once a client has established a target level of fitness, they may be inspired to challenge themselves outside of the gym by participating in extreme conditioning programs (ECPs), which push physical fitness to the limits of human performance, often in pursuit of a focused goal or event. Read on to learn more about the benefits of ECPs and how to determine if you should incorporate them into your clients’ training programs.

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The Surprising Benefits of Rucking (and Why Your Clients Might Love It)

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The Surprising Benefits of Rucking (and Why Your Clients Might Love It)

While high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been at the top of the fitness food chain for several decades, some fitness enthusiasts may be ready to try something new. If you have clients who want the benefits of vigorous exercise and are looking for new ways to safely challenge their bodies while minimizing their risk of injury, you may want to consider introducing them to an activity called rucking. 

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Is Program Hopping a Bad Thing?

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Is Program Hopping a Bad Thing?

Do you have clients who seem to follow every exercise trend? These “program hoppers” are easily distracted, so they’re always looking for the newest, latest greatest fad that promises quick results, but changing programs too often may not help them achieve the results they desire. Here’s what you can do to keep your program-hopping clients on track.

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11 Fitness Trends for 2022

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11 Fitness Trends for 2022

The end of each calendar year gives us the opportunity for a fun thought-experiment: predicting what the future of fitness holds and making educated guesses about the various ways we might be exercising and moving differently in the coming year. Though not exhaustive, this list offers an overview of the ways that we might be sweating in the not-too-distant future.

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Blood Flow Restriction Training: What You Need to Know

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Blood Flow Restriction Training: What You Need to Know

Blood flow restriction (BFR) training, also known as Kaatsu training or occlusion training, involves using a tourniquet, elastic band or pressure cuff on an exercising limb to restrict the flow of venous blood back to the body during exercise. A growing body of research suggests BFR may be effective for enhancing muscle growth, but is it safe? Here’s what you and your clients need to know about this controversial form of training.

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Understanding The Impact of Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor on Exercise

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Understanding The Impact of Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Growth Factor on Exercise

In this final installment of a three-part series on hormones and exercise, we examine two important hormones that help promote tissue repair, fat metabolism and muscle growth: growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Understanding how exercise can elevate levels of these hormones will enhance your ability to design programs that allow clients to achieve their desired outcomes with effective and time-efficient workouts.

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How to Design Body-weight Training Workouts Using the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model

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How to Design Body-weight Training Workouts Using the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model

When equipment and facilities are inaccessible, knowing how to use body-weight exercises to achieve various fitness goals is paramount. This article describes how to apply the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® Model to your work with clients and offers specific strategies for designing several different exercise programs featuring only body-weight exercises.

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High-intensity Interval Training for Active Older Adults

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High-intensity Interval Training for Active Older Adults

Unsure if you should be using high-intensity interval training with your older clients? This article examines the researched benefits of HIIT for people age 60 and older, including those who may have health challenges, as well as the safety concerns and best practices of incorporating HIIT workouts into the training programs of clients who are active older adults.

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