Provider: Amy Ashmore, PhD
Type: Online Course
Online Content
Online Quiz
Recorded Video
CEC Credits: ACE 0.7 CECs

GAINS: The Latest Science in Strength Training

Your clients want to feel healthy, they want to look good—and they want to get stronger. Hitting a strength plateau can frustrate—and even demoralize—your clients. Knowing how to help your clients avoid plateaus and make consistent strength gains will help you keep their internal fire burning. The science of strength training, though, is constantly evolving. New studies, new approaches and new techniques seem to emerge every day. It can be tough to keep up with the latest changes when you’re focused on changing your clients' lives. The Programming for Strength Gains course teaches you how to combine emerging strength training science with your existing program—and learn how to take your clients’ fitness to the next level.

Taught by Amy Ashmore, PhD—a career educator, fitness professional whose work has been recognized by ACE, ACSM, and NSCA, and author of Timing Resistance Training: Programming the Muscle Clock for Optimal Performance—this course summarizes the latest scientific findings that prove timing is a critical component on strength gains, and offers techniques to implement into your programming. The course offers a new approach to concurrent programming that focuses on timing of strength relative to cardio and flexibility, delivered in a simple and easy-to-digest format. Completing this training will give you the knowledge you need to lead your clients to a life of health, happiness and GAINS!

You will learn:

  • How to build effective concurrent training sessions and long-term programs for strength gains.
  • How to use frequency, duration, mode, volume, and intensity of training to design sessions and programs that maximize strength gains.
  • How to use the body’s ability to anticipate training sessions as an advantage.
  • How to design effective complementary cardiovascular programs that improve endurance while minimizing the effects on strength gains.
  • How to design effective complementary stretching programs that help to minimize the risks of injury and improve muscle pliability.


The course is basically a book and a short video. There are some interesting topics in the book but overall it is poorly written and probably not have been edited. The material is repeated over and over and makes it very boring and difficult to read and follow the points. This book can be summarized in a few pages - nice use of AI! There is not much data presented and at times feels like reading a science fiction. It is disappointing how ACE has approved this book as a course. I do NOT recommend it at all.

great methods for strength programming, importance of recovery and frequency