Dennis Sanchez by Dennis Sanchez

ACE is proud to introduce Health Coach Live Class, an interactive, virtual classroom where health coach exam candidates can engage with a knowledgeable ACE Certified Health Coach while preparing for their exam. Using ACE's science-based behavior change curriculum as the backbone of this program, Health Coach Live Class provides you the opportunity to practice health coaching skills, get valuable feedback, interact with peers, and gain the confidence needed to meet with your very first client!

Health Coach Live Class is designed to appeal to all ACE Health Coach exam candidates, no matter your preferred learning style. Some candidates enjoy self-paced, solo study, and others yearn for a group learning environment. Live Class speaks to both and adds accountability to keep you on track and moving forward while complementing, not replacing your already robust study program.

My first exposure to health coaching came when I took a job for a major national insurance company that employed health coaches to work with high-risk members. The training I received was a 2-week crash course on the art and science of health coaching. At the time I felt well prepared to take on my first client. 

Then I sat down to coach for the first time, and I was shockingly bad at being a health coach. The missing piece wasn't knowledge. It wasn't my ability. It was my lack of awareness for what real clients go through. Real clients have jobs, families, social obligations, preconceived notions, unconscious biases, hang-ups, unchecked stressors, and a host of other things that render them a little less available to talk about all the changes they could change. 

That first experience made me aware of the need to seek out more in-depth training, training that included coaching practice. It was this practice that enabled me to access the health coaching strategies I had learned when they were needed, and in a way that was as natural as breathing. Looking back at my time in that job, it saddens me to know that my early clients did not get the opportunity to benefit from the competent coach I eventually became.

The field has grown and evolved since I started. Having a place to sharpen my skills and learn about the real challenges clients face before I sat down with my first client would have been invaluable.

If you are asking yourself if Health Coach Live Class is right for you, a better question may be, what do you want to get out of your study experience? 

Here is what you can expect from your Health Coach Live Class:

  • You will attend class for 16-weeks at a regularly scheduled time from the comfort of your own home
  • You will complete in-class assignments with peers, practice skills, and learn how to apply your health coaching strategies in your own personal coaching style
  • You will begin building your network and drawing upon the expertise of classmates
  • You will get your questions answered in real-time from a knowledgeable instructor
  • You will learn, have fun, and gain insight into the science and the art of health coaching 

ACE recognizes the value of providing an avenue where candidates can practice health coaching skills in a safe, judgment-free environment. An environment where the risk of failure is low and even better, encouraged. It is, after all, through failed attempts that we learn and improve.

If you feel that learning the science and practicing the art of coaching is right for you, then sign up for Health Coach Live Class today

I look forward to meeting you in the virtual classroom! 

Full-Day Live Virtual Event | May 30

ACE Health and Fitness Summit: Evidence-Based Nutrition
for Coaches and Trainers