How to Establish Rapport With Non-Verbal Communication

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How to Establish Rapport With Non-Verbal Communication

As a fitness professional, you want to establish rapport with your clients and they, in turn, must be able to trust you and know that you are concerned about their well-being. In this regard, what you communicate non-verbally—through your voice quality or body position, for example—is every bit as important as the words you speak. Learn how you can develop your non-verbal skills to achieve positive and effective communication with your clients.

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Motivation and Behavior Change Strategies for Exercise Adherence

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Motivation and Behavior Change Strategies for Exercise Adherence

Understanding your clients’ motivations is essential for being able to recommend the most appropriate and effective steps to helping them achieve their lifestyle goals. In fact, identifying their motivations and level of self-efficacy can mean the difference between a client making short-term, temporary fixes and truly achieving lasting, lifestyle changes.

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