What is Health Coach Live Class?

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What is Health Coach Live Class?

ACE is proud to introduce Health Coach Live Class, an interactive, virtual classroom where health coach exam candidates can engage with a knowledgeable ACE Certified Health Coach while preparing for their exam. Using ACE’s science-based behavior change curriculum as the backbone of this program, Health Coach Live Class provides you the opportunity to practice health coaching skills, get valuable feedback, interact with peers, and gain the confidence needed to meet with your very first client!

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Legal Responsibility

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Legal Responsibility

Do you understand what your legal responsibilities entail as a fitness professional? Do you understand what types of insurance you need to protect yourself in the event of a lawsuit? Not only do you need to know this information for the ACE exam, but it is especially important for your work as a fitness professionals. Learn about established standard of care and the different types of insurance that can help keep you protected if a client gets hurt.

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Nutrition: Planning vs. Coaching

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Nutrition: Planning vs. Coaching

“Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” While nutrition planning is like giving your clients fish, nutrition coaching teaches your clients how to fish and gives them the ability to make healthful decisions for a lifetime. Here are some great tools you can use to better equip your clients to make healthy nutritional choices.

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Level up your coaching with TRX for runners

Transform training, enhance performance, minimize injury.

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