Using Social Media to Advocate for Change

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Using Social Media to Advocate for Change

Social media gives you a platform from which to share the messages your business feels strongly about with a larger audience. The backbone of advocacy is finding tactics to get your cause, message or policy position heard. Social media platforms give you a voice that can reach thousands of people—including audiences with which you may not have previously interacted—within a matter of seconds.

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Strong Body, Strong Mind

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Strong Body, Strong Mind

Our mission here at ACE is to get people moving. It is widely known that exercise and regular movement can help maintain and improve physical health by controlling weight, increasing strength and building solid, durable bones. Those health benefits may seem obvious, but did you know that regular physical activity can also improve sleep and reduce tiredness, relieve stress, improve mood and boost energy levels?

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4 Tips for Successful Outdoor Workouts

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4 Tips for Successful Outdoor Workouts

Performing outdoor workouts has even been shown to increase satisfaction with fitness programs, which has the potential to boost both your business and your clients’ fitness levels. With so many perks to outdoor workouts, you don’t want to miss out on taking your training sessions to a park, beach, trail or sidewalk. Just remember to keep in mind that heading outdoors to train clients can bring some unique challenges.

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Tackling the Inactivity Epidemic

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Tackling the Inactivity Epidemic

For the first time since 2014, ACE has developed a new key policy position statement—The Inactivity Epidemic. Why did ACE decide to add another key issue to its advocacy efforts? Because we’re committed to monitoring and addressing current health trends, research and policies to ensure we’re focusing on the most current issues impacting the health and fitness industries.

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To get more people moving, meet them where they are

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To get more people moving, meet them where they are

In our fast-paced, technology-driven culture, it’s easy to get through an entire day without moving our bodies in any significant way. But our bodies were built to move and they work best when we keep them continually active. Leading a highly sedentary lifestyle can have substantial negative health consequences, like the proliferation of preventable chronic diseases we’re seeing today in America and beyond.

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Level up your coaching with TRX for runners

Transform training, enhance performance, minimize injury.

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