Establishing Relationships With Clients in Pain

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Establishing Relationships With Clients in Pain

As a health and exercise professional, establishing rapport and strong relationships with your clients is essential to being able to help them effectively achieve their goals. However, it can be particularly challenging to connect with clients who are experiencing pain. This article examines how pain impacts the nervous system and offers practical steps you can take to create stronger relationships with, and better support for, all your clients, including those who experience pain.

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Navigating Program Design and the Client in Pain

| by in Corrective Exercise
Navigating Program Design and the Client in Pain

For the health and exercise professional, navigating the turbulent waters of chronic pain requires one to become proficient with designing strategic and personalized exercise programs. Learn about the importance of understanding and validating each client’s emotional, psychological and social concerns, while addressing his or her unique biomechanical needs, which, together, yield a comprehensive framework toward designing a strategic and personalized fitness program strategy.

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Your Client and Chronic Pain: A Biopsychosocial Perspective

| by in Exercise Science
Your Client and Chronic Pain: A Biopsychosocial Perspective

Do you work with clients who experience chronic pain? When you consider an individual’s pain experience, a vast matrix of biological, psychological and social ingredients are in play. Learn why viewing chronic pain through a three-dimensional, biopsychosocial perspective can help refine your ability to create positive experiences for your clients.

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TRX Suspension Training Course!

Dive deep into the mechanics and techniques that will turn
routine workouts into transformative experiences.

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