What is Health Coach Live Class?

| by in Professional Behaviors
What is Health Coach Live Class?

ACE is proud to introduce Health Coach Live Class, an interactive, virtual classroom where health coach exam candidates can engage with a knowledgeable ACE Certified Health Coach while preparing for their exam. Using ACE’s science-based behavior change curriculum as the backbone of this program, Health Coach Live Class provides you the opportunity to practice health coaching skills, get valuable feedback, interact with peers, and gain the confidence needed to meet with your very first client!

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What is the Kinetic Chain?

| by in Exercise Science
What is the Kinetic Chain?

Anatomically, the kinetic chain describes the interrelated groups of body segments, connecting joints, and muscles working together to perform movements and the portion of the spine to which they connect. This idea proposed that movements occurring within each body segment would be capable of “closed-chain” or “open-chain” movement patterns. As an exercise and health professional, it is important to recognize that good program design includes open-chain and closed-chain exercises.

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Full-Day Live Virtual Event | May 30

ACE Health and Fitness Summit: Evidence-Based Nutrition
for Coaches and Trainers