How Common Medications Impact Exercise

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How Common Medications Impact Exercise

Many commonly prescribed medications can have a significant impact on your clients’ responses to exercise. This article explores four medication categories that may be overlooked but are crucial to understand and require ongoing evaluation due to potential side effects that can impact overall health. Armed with this knowledge, you will be well-equipped to help your clients exercise safely and effectively while pursuing their health and wellness goals.

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How to Choose the Most Effective Assessments for Clients Who Have Chronic Disease

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How to Choose the Most Effective Assessments for Clients Who Have Chronic Disease

For those who have at least one medically managed chronic condition, fitness assessments may not be the most effective way to keep them motivated enough to stick with their programs. In this article, you’ll learn how you can more effectively work with individuals who have one or more chronic conditions, as well as some simple but powerful assessments you can use to track progress and empower your clients to keep moving forward.

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Science-backed Strategies to Help Clients Manage Diabetes

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Science-backed Strategies to Help Clients Manage Diabetes

As a health and exercise professional, you understand the impact of exercise and nutrition on both overall health and individual diseases, including diabetes, but could our recommendations be too broad for many clients to consistently follow? This article offers practical tactics and under-utilized strategies for helping individuals prevent and manage diabetes.

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Bridging the Gap: A 7-step Process for Partnering With Healthcare Providers

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Bridging the Gap: A 7-step Process for Partnering With Healthcare Providers

Are you interested in increasing your connection to the healthcare space as a community partner but haven’t yet figured out how to break into this space? When working with medical providers, showing your value or benefit is the secret to earning referrals. Learn how you can use the BENEFIT template to guide your way to success.

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Lymphedema: The Latest Research and Guidelines for Cancer Survivors

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Lymphedema: The Latest Research and Guidelines for Cancer Survivors

As is the case with so many areas of health and wellness, ongoing research into the causes and treatment of lymphedema, a common side-effect of cancer treatments, brings new insight and understanding, often rendering what were previously standard recommendations as obsolete or outdated. This article includes the most up-to-date, evidence-based information on lymphedema to help you and your clients make appropriate choices related to physical and lifestyle activities and exercise programming. 

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Obesity and Cancer: Helping Cancer Survivors With Weight Management

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Obesity and Cancer: Helping Cancer Survivors With Weight Management

This article examines the interconnectedness of cancer and obesity, and how health and exercise professionals can play a key role in helping clients make lasting lifestyle changes that reduce their risk of cancer. Also included are six recommendations that can help guide your programming for clients who have received a cancer diagnosis.

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Helping Clients Maintain Muscular Fitness in the Fight Against Cancer

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Helping Clients Maintain Muscular Fitness in the Fight Against Cancer

Cancer and its treatments can take a severe toll on the body, leaving people fatigued and unmotivated to continue their exercise programs. This, in turn, often leads to weight gain and a loss of both fitness and lean muscle mass. As a health and exercise professional, learn how you can help survivors maintain lean muscle mass and a healthy weight in their fight against cancer.

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KISS Cancer With Exercise: Simple Principles to Guide Health and Exercise Professionals

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KISS Cancer With Exercise: Simple Principles to Guide Health and Exercise Professionals

As a health and exercise professional, you are on the front lines for the cancer survivor population. This article covers basic recommendations for working with cancer survivors and the research supporting the benefits of exercise for prevention, pre-habilitation and treatment, and describes a framework for assessing clients and creating programs that address their individual needs.

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Full-Day Live Virtual Event | May 30

ACE Health and Fitness Summit: Evidence-Based Nutrition
for Coaches and Trainers