The Top 6 Exercises to Reduce Low-back and Knee Pain

| by in Corrective Exercise
The Top 6 Exercises to Reduce Low-back and Knee Pain

If you or any of your clients have ever experienced low-back or knee pain, you know all too well its impact on exercise, movement and energy levels. These six simple yet effective exercises may offer some relief through the added muscular fitness and stability they provide. Try adding them into your clients’ programs to see if they bring relief.

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How to Stay Active When You’re Traveling

| by in Fitness
How to Stay Active When You’re Traveling

If you travel for work, endless meetings or all-day conferences can leave you feeling drained, with little motivation to squeeze physical activity into your day. To help combat the drain on your energy, these workouts, which can be done in even the sparsest hotel gym or outside, can add some invigorating movement to your day while traveling, whether for work or for play.

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TRX Suspension Training Course!

Dive deep into the mechanics and techniques that will turn
routine workouts into transformative experiences.

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