6 Tips for Refocusing on Your Goals This Summer

| by in Behavior Change
6 Tips for Refocusing on Your Goals This Summer

If the New Year’s Resolutions you made six months ago are a distance memory, the Summer Solstice offers is a great time to stop and take stock of where you are, where you want to be, and how much you have to be grateful for. Think of today as an opportunity to reset and refocus and perhaps try again. Here are some great tips for creating a better strategy for success.

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5 Reasons Couples Should Work toward Their Goals Together

| by in Fitness
5 Reasons Couples Should Work toward Their Goals Together

Are you struggling to stick with your New Year’s resolutions? If so, it might be time to recruit the help of your significant other. After all, the key to behavior change is making your goals as attainable as possible, so having the support of your partner is an important factor in successfully reaching those goals. Here are five reasons you and your significant other should go for your goals together.

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Why a Positive Attitude is the Most Powerful Tool for Reaching Your Goals

| by in Behavior Change
Why a Positive Attitude is the Most Powerful Tool for Reaching Your Goals

Thirty-five percent of those who make New Year’s resolutions break them by the end of January, and most return to old habits by January 17. Why is this? It comes down to one thing, and one thing only: mindset. ACE Certified health and fitness pro Allison Hagendorf explains how to rewire your association with habitual behaviors and give yourself the best possible chances of achieving your New Year’s goals.

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Mental Benefits of Strength Training

| by in Strength Training
Mental Benefits of Strength Training

There’s no question that strength training has a ton of great physical benefits, but the mental benefits are just as, if not more, important. In this article, ACE Certified Health Coach Allison Hagendorf shares her personal experience of how lifting weights has helped her gain the confidence to push her limits in all aspects of life, and shares some of the psychological benefits of strength training that you can apply to your own lives.

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