5 Keystone Nutrition Habits to Encourage Your Clients to Adapt

| by in Nutrition
5 Keystone Nutrition Habits to Encourage Your Clients to Adapt

Your clients undoubtedly know they should eat whole, unprocessed foods, but how do you help your clients turn choosing whole foods into a daily behavior? The key, argues ACE Pro Justin Robinson, is to develop five keystone nutrition habits that will replace less-healthy habits and ultimately result in better overall health and wellness.

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The Health Benefits of (the Right Kinds of) Meat

| by in Nutrition
The Health Benefits of (the Right Kinds of) Meat

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a plant-based diet, but this does not rule out meat consumption for those who don’t want to be a vegetarian or vegan. Instead, many people opt for a semi-vegetarian approach—a flexitarian diet, as some have termed it—that offers both enjoyment and health benefits. Learn about the specific benefits of consuming meat and how to choose the healthiest sources.

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4 Exercises for Stronger Arms

| by in Fitness
4 Exercises for Stronger Arms

If you have clients who want to strengthen their arms—not just for looks, but for enhanced function—you need to include exercises that engage the rotator cuff, shoulders, core and even the lower body. Here are four exercises (and their variations) that are fun and challenging versions of conventional upper-body exercises that will help develop functional arm strength.

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What to Do Before You Run

| by in Cardiovascular Training
What to Do Before You Run

If you’re a runner, one of the easiest ways to get hurt is to skip your warm-up. And no, a light jog doesn’t count. Rather, your warm-up should address your individual needs and fire up your neuromuscular system. Here is a quick and easy routine that will prep your body for a running workout, along with some tips for improving performance through nutrition and mental prep.

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5 Ways to Halt Clients' Bad Nutrition Habits

| by in Nutrition
5 Ways to Halt Clients' Bad Nutrition Habits

While nutrition is vital to weight loss and exercise performance, it is more effective to initially focus on helping your client make positive behavior changes before moving on to the “nuts and bolts” of nutrition. As a health and fitness professional, your role is to create an environment for effective and positive change. Here are five ways you can create that type of environment and help your clients establish positive nutrition habits.;

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What You Need to Know About Carb Cycling

| by in Nutrition
What You Need to Know About Carb Cycling

If you can’t decide if you should follow a low-carb or a high-carb diet, why not just combine the two diets in an effort to address all of your sports-performance and weight-loss concerns? Known as carb cycling, proponents claim this dietary approach offers a wide range of benefits. Learn the pros and cons of alternating high-carb and low-carb days, and discover if carb cycling could potentially help you reach your health and fitness goals.

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Full-Day Live Virtual Event | May 30

ACE Health and Fitness Summit: Evidence-Based Nutrition
for Coaches and Trainers