Christopher Gagliardi by Christopher Gagliardi

We all know that it’s important to include a warm-up as part of your exercise program to make sure the body is prepared for the workout. Partner exercises are a great way to add a new challenge to your routine and keep your workouts fresh. Check out this fun and unique partner warm-up that is often used at the beginning of a jiu-jitsu class to improve strength, balance and coordination.



Both people stand facing each other and one person starts as the leader while the other follows. Try to do movements within a small space. (30 seconds each)

Wheel Barrow

wheel barrow

Partners take turns walking in a wheel barrow position. (50 feet )

Partner Drag

partner drag

Partners take turns dragging each other. (50 feet)

Push-ups and Sit-ups

push-ups and sit-ups

One partner does sit-ups while the other does push-ups while holding down the feet of his or her partner. (30 seconds in each position)

Plank/Mountain Climber

plank/mountain climber

One partner holds a plank position while the other does mountain climbers with hands on back. (30 seconds in each position)

Locked-feet Sit-up

locked-feet sit-up

Both people get into a sit-up position and lock feet together at the ankle to hold position. (30 seconds)

Partner Plank

partner plank

One partner performs a forearm plank and the other performs a straight arm or forearm plank with hands on partner’s back. (30 seconds in each position)

Partner Leg Circles

partner leg circles

Both people lie on their backs with their feet facing each other and move feet in a circular motion around each other’s legs. (30 seconds in each direction)

NOTE: If you and a partner are interested in trying out this warm-up, base the times and distances for the workouts on the time and space you have available, but make sure to complete enough rounds to get your body warm prior to your actual workout. 

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