American Council on Exercise by American Council on Exercise

ACE is proud to partner up with InfluencerNexus to better support you in growing and scaling your business through mentorship. InfluencerNexus helps fitness entrepreneurs build world-class businesses that scale to six and seven figures in 12 months or less. At ACE, we don’t just want to see you get certified, we want to see you have a thriving, fulfilling business! Continue reading to see what Sarah has to say about growing a fitness business.

 ACE: What's one tried-and-true business tip you have for new exercise professionals?

 Sarah: Embrace the suck. One of the biggest reasons fitness entrepreneurs stay stuck in analysis paralysis is due to the fear of what family/friends will think, being afraid to be bad before they get good, or imposter syndrome.

 It’s normal. Every single person whom you look up to now, used to suck, bad. They just embraced it long enough to finally get great. You can too.

 ACE: What's one common mistake you see all the time?

 Sarah: Fitness entrepreneurs hiring coaches that don’t align with their life design. Some coaches want location freedom, others want to get rich, spend more time with family, have time freedom, or any of the variables in combination.

 Many coaches accidentally hire a coach that has the result they want but doesn’t align with their values. For example, a coach might hire a “guru” for the results they have (money), but not their values/lifestyle (working 14 hours a day to get that money).

 The goal is to work backwards:

 How do you want to live your life?

How much money do you want to make?

What type of clients do you want?

Do you want to work online or offline?

What does your ideal day look like?

 The above questions will help clarify your life design. Then work backwards with a mentor who aligns with that vision to help you build the A-Z of your business.

 ACE: How did you get into doing what you do?

 Sarah: I grew up with highly conservative parents that wanted me to be a lawyer or doctor. When I didn’t get accepted at my first attempt with grad school, I decided to do a one-month trip abroad to “find myself” (tacky, I know). In a tiny, beautiful island in Panama, I ran into a couple working on their computers. When I asked them what they did, they explained that they were teachers online.

 I was shocked.

 Wait, I can work online and travel? The thought was riveting

 So, I went home and researched exactly how I could be a personal trainer online. That same week, I quit my job, hired a coach, dropped out of school, and moved out of my parents’ house (talk about an all-or-nothing kind of person!).

 After some trial and error, I built a multiple-six-figure fitness business both online and offline and started helping some colleagues that were asking me how I did it. Eventually, InfluencerNexus was born: a company helping fitness entrepreneurs garner world-class businesses through life design. 

 To learn more about InfluencerNexus and how they can support you in building a thriving fitness business, click here!

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