Step 1

This exercise is a dynamic movement exercise used to prepare the body for activity. As it involves a series of squatting movements, it is highly recommended you master your squatting technique before attempting this exercise.

Step 2

Starting Position: Stand with your feet wider than hip-width (24-36") with your arms by your sides. Depress and retract your scapulae (pull your shoulders down and back) without arching your low back, and "brace" (engage your abdominal / core muscles) to stiffen your spine.

Step 3

Movement: Drop into a wide-stance squat position (mechanics are similar to regular squat), lowering your body to a comfortable depth or until your thighs lie parallel to the floor and your body weight rests on your heels. Feel free to position your arms where they assist you in maintaining balance.

Step 4

Push upwards through the balls of your feet and into triple extension (extending the ankle, knee and hip joints) simultaneously rotating your body forward and pivoting 180-degrees your inside foot. Lift your outer leg off the ground and rotate it around to place it 24-36" away from your pivoting foot.

Step 5

Upon placing your outer leg, firmly on the floor, drop once again into a wide-stance squat position (mechanics are similar to regular squat), lowering your body to a comfortable depth or until your thighs lie parallel to the floor and your body weight rests on your heels.

Step 6

Repeat this movement in one direction or stopping to turn back towards your starting position.

Step 7

Exercise Variation: The dynamic balance challenge to the body can be increased in this exercise by: (1) Pivoting faster without losing postural control (balance) or (2) pivoting with a backward rotation off the other foot rather than pivoting in a forward rotation.

To enjoy the benefits of this exercise, focus upon the quality of this movement. Control your movement tempo (pace) and never lose your postural control (balance).

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