Back Exercises
TRX ® Assisted Side Lunge with Arm Raise
- Target Body Part:
- Back, Butt/Hips, Full Body/Integrated, Legs - Calves and Shins, Shoulders
- Equipment:
- Difficulty:
Step 1
Starting Position: Holding the TRX handles in each hand, turn to face the anchor point. Position your feet together and hold the handles slightly above, or at shoulder-height, but at shoulder-width or slightly wider. Stiffen your torso by contracting your core and abdominal muscles ("bracing").
Step 2
Downward Phase: Inhale and slowly step to the left while keeping your weight over your heels, feet facing forward and using the TRX to help you maintain your balance. As you step, begin to raise both hands to an overhead position, preventing any excessive arching in your low back by depressing and retracting your scapulae (pulling your shoulders down and back) and contracting your abdominal muscles.
Step 3
Once your left foot is firmly placed on the floor, begin to bend at the hips, pushing them backwards while simultaneously shifting your weight towards your left foot. Continue shifting your weight over the left foot until your tibia (shinbone) is vertical to the floor and your left knee is aligned directly over the second toe of your left foot. Your right leg should be near, or at full extension at the knee while keeping the right foot flat and your body weight should be shifted over to the left hip. The heels of both feet should stay flat on the floor. Your arms should be in a wide, overhead position.
Step 4
Upward Phase: Exhale and push off firmly with your left leg, while pulling on the TRX, returning your body to your starting position. Repeat the movement to the opposite side.

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