ACE Professional Profile

Esther Bing


Esther Bing


(403) 863-4585



I came into the fitness industry after suffering a decade with severe musculoskeletal injuries as a professional pianist and teacher. Before that, I seemed to always have pain in my back, neck and shoulders, as well as tendinitis in my forearms. Here I was at 33, with a herniated disk, thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), cuboid syndrome, tendinitis in my arms, and numb hands and fingers. I also had terrible neck, shoulder, back, and leg pain. I had always been “fit” - or so I thought. I started long-distance running when I was 10, and lifting weights regularly when I was 25. So why was I in so much pain? Unfortunately, this marked the beginning of a long journey to find answers. For the next 10 yrs, I saw many doctors and specialists, and spent thousands on physio and massage therapy. I did 4yrs of Alexander Technique. I read books and watched videos of other mainstream movement modalities for musicians. Nothing worked, except the TOS I had was about 80% better from a stretch program I’d found online. Unfortunately, I was in my early 40’s, on pain killers, and getting regular cortisone shots in my back - this was the solution offered to me by the specialists. But I was lucky… I stumbled into a solution, and over a span of 6 months, I got better! All my old problems disappeared, or became significantly less (including a broken wrist I had for 20 yrs). This is when I decided to train as a movement professional. I developed MoveMuse for Pianists, an innovative movement lifestyle, that teaches pianists, students and teachers how to move better, so they can continue doing what they love Please get in touch - I would love to connect with you! Website: coming soon.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

3 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $75.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise

Specialist Programs
