ACE Professional Profile

Amy Van Pelt


Amy Van Pelt

Bellingham, WA USA 98225

(360) 220-1748


"Cedar Tree Fitness - personal training for you" After many years of a consistent, but not very challenging exercise routine of walking and occasional low intensity strength training, I decided to "splurge" on a few visits with a personal trainer to see if I could add a bit to my routine. It was the start of a whole new me! I quickly became hooked on how good the workouts made feel, (stronger, more confident, more relaxed) and without much effort on my part, my diet slowly changed. My trainer even got me to try running, an activity that I had previously hated because I always tried to run too fast, too far. Over the course of a year I lost 30 pounds, stopped the decades long struggle with my weight, and was stronger than I had ever been! This was such a positive experience for me that I began to consider a career change. Now in my late 50s, I am finally doing it! Cedar Tree Fitness launched in Bellingham, Washington in late 2009. I am ready to work with many types of people, and especially want to introduce non-exercisers and casual exercisers to the fun and positive feelings that come from moving the body.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

15 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $50.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $70.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations

Specialist Programs
