ACE Professional Profile

Samantha Spitz


Samantha Spitz


(630) 862-6924


I started my fitness career teaching spinning, strength, and core classes at my alma mater,the University of Illinois, in 2010. I have always been in love with fitness, and teaching was a great way for me to share my passion, make workouts more social, and learn about the world of fitness. I have experience in leading spinning, kickboxing (Turbo kick and bag work), strength (both choreographed and circuit), core, boot camp, BOSU, and core pole. I am comfortable and confident in leading my classes, putting a smile on my face and some pep in my step when I walk into the gym! I am always in search of new training and development programs to further enhance my skills. My next step is to increase my nutrition and personal training experience over time.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

12 Expired

Programs and Rates

Group Fitness Sessions: $35.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $50.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness
Boot Camp
Core Training
Group Strength
Indoor Cycling
Kickboxing and Boxing

Specialist Programs

Fitness Nutrition
Functional Training
Group Exercise Leadership
