ACE Professional Profile

Paula Glanville


Paula Glanville



I have been in the fitness field, teaching group fitness classes, since 1979, starting way back when we wore leg warmers and used albums! I have seen our industry grow and get better more and more! I am an avid cyclist and runner, so Group Cycle is my class! I enjoy taking the rides I do outside and bring them inside. It's great cross training, especially if you race! Each cyclist is different, so my classes are geared for each individual's ride. I encourage, motivate, challenge, and praise them for giving a little extra. And I bring chocolate! I've been doing that for 30 is an incentive to work hard and/or a reward because they did work hard! Sometimes someone just needs a little treat and a pick-me-up, but they have to burn it and earn it. I love teaching as much now as I did 30 years ago. It's not about me, it's about helping people feel good about themselves. I have seen so many loose weight, gain confidence and energy, and sleep better. I am so blessed getting to do what I do!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

36 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness

Specialist Programs
