ACE Professional Profile

Jamie Strzepek


Jamie Strzepek

Windsor, CO US 80550


As a personal trainer, I love working with my clients from the ages of 2 to 89! It is exciting to help them to reach their fitness goals and see them progress in each of their fitness levels. I began my love of being active as a young dancer. While studying Physical Education and Health I was exposed to many sports that broadened my enjoyment of all types of physical activity while also emphasizing my passion for dance and choreographing in the dance theater. After graduation, my husband and I moved to Vienna, Austria for 5 1/2 years. I taught aerobic classes and jazz dance and danced professionally with the Vienna Volks Opera's "West Side Story". After the birth of our first child, we returned to the States where I continued to teach aerobic classes while pregnant. Four children later,I began the certification process to become a personal trainer with the American Council on Exercise and the American College of Sports Medicine. These credential allowed me the opportunity to work with a wide variety of fitness levels. One of the keys to maintaining a healthy active lifestyle is engaging in activities that bring pleasure and joy in every stage of life. A new activity for me is jumping endlessly on the trampoline with my 3 year old grand-daughter. A few physical activities that bring me joy are: dancing(all types),Nordic walking,running, swimming,hula-hooping,hiking,cross-country skiing,weight lifting, cycling and playing with children! May2013,I became a certified American Nordic walking instructor!I look forward to meeting you to plan and implement a personal exercise program for your specific needs that will bring you much joy. You will be challenged, encouraged and motivated to reach your fitness goals. See you soon!

Ace Credentials

ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Years as an Ace Pro


Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $70.00
Group Fitness Sessions: $70.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $70.00

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Corrective Exercise
Program Design
Strength Training
Weight Management
Women's Health

Specialist Programs

Functional Training
Weight Management


Personal Trainer Specific Information

Years Of Experience

21+ years

Preferred Client Type

Athletes, Older Adult, Special Populations, Healthy Adult, Overweight, Underweight, Post Rehab, Youth

Client Training Locations

Home, Club and Home

Average Clients Weekly
