Gwenn Jones
Auburn, CA US 95603
(530) 401-6096
Residing in Auburn, California – certifications in ascending order are: ACE-Group Fitness Instructor (1995); ACE-Personal Trainer (1996); YogaFit Worldwide (2007); ACE-Mind-Body Specialist (2013); ACE-Functional Training Specialist (2022). *** Gwenn's expertise consists of Yoga Asana, Strength training, Personal training, Functional Fitness, Step aerobics, Stability Ball & Core, Stretch & Balance, and Senior Fitness. *** Freelance employment before founding Auburn Yoga & Fitness Studio (in 2008) consists of San Francisco State University, Courthouse Athletic Club, Exertec, Fitness Factory, Burlingame Parks & Recreation District, and Corporate fitness trainer and gym supervisor in San Francisco. *** Gwenn also works as an online Wellness Content Writer and runs the wellness blog, Personal preferences are hiking, kayaking, sushi, and visiting yoga classes.
Ace Credentials
ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Years as an Ace Pro
Programs and Rates
Contact Me
Years in the Industry
21+ years
Areas of Focus
Active Aging
Group Fitness
Program Design
Strength Training
Women's Health
Specialist Programs
Functional Training
Mind Body
Personal Trainer Specific Information
Years Of Experience
21+ years
Preferred Client Type
Older Adult, Special Populations, Healthy Adult, Overweight, Post Rehab
Client Training Locations
Home, Club, Medical Facility, Other, Club and Home, Yoga-Fitness studio
Average Clients Weekly