Justin Smith by Justin Smith

ACE has declared the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Workout Wednesday! In an effort to inspire people to get moving and to engage in physical activity in the weeks leading up to the holiday season, we have created a workout series for every Wednesday in the month of November! To get involved, share a photo or video of yourself on social media performing the workouts using hashtag#WorkoutWednesday!

For many people, travel is a necessary component of life. Whether it’s for work, vacation or visiting family for the upcoming holiday season, your client’s ability to find the resources and time to stick to his or her regular workout regimen may not be possible. The following circuit, however, is one possible solution that you can offer your clients when they’re on the road, pressed for time and have no access to traditional equipment. This efficient workout uses non-traditional equipment and can be performed just about anywhere. Urge your clients to repeat this circuit three to four times for a lower-body hypertrophy workout that will help them maintain the progress they’ve been working so hard to achieve back home. 

Luggage Overhead Squat

  • Grab luggage by the handles or the sides of the bag and lift it overhead, slightly behind the ears.
  • Begin by pushing the knees outward and slowly sit the hips back. Try to push the knees outward without allowing the feet to rotate excessively outward.
  • During the descent, keep tension in the upper back by retracting the shoulders and squeezing the scapula together.
  • Maintain a neutral spinal position and descend into the lowest position possible by trying to sit back upon the heels.
  • At the bottom portion of the movement, drive through the feet to accelerate the body upward while maintaining a locked-arm position overhead. 

Complete eight to 12 repetitions. Adjust the load by adding or subtracting materials from the suitcase. 

Bag Swing

  • Stand tall with the feet just wider than shoulder-distance apart and the hips forward. Grab the handles of a handbag or duffle bag and let the arms hang straight, with the bag between the legs.
  • Set the hips back while maintaining a neutral spinal position. Thrust the hips forward to initiate a swing. 

Complete eight to 12 repetitions. Adjust the load by adding or subtracting materials from the suitcase. 

Chair Pistol Squat

  • Stand facing away from the front of a chair, bench, box or other low object and raise one leg into the air.
  • Flex at the hips and sit back onto the object as slowly as possible.
  • Once fully seated, brace the core, and push through the heel while reaching the arms out in front to pitch the body forward to stand up. 

Complete eight to 12 repetitions. Adjust the intensity by choosing a higher or lower chair. 

Luggage Lunge

  • Start with the bag in a rack position in front of the body.
  • Step forward and lunge, lowering the body until the front thigh is close to parallel with the floor. Stop before the back knee touches the floor.
  • Stand back up, driving through the heels and repeat on opposite leg. 

Complete eight to 12 repetitions. Adjust the load by adding or subtracting materials from the suitcase. 

Lateral Sliding Towel Lunge

  • Begin in a standing position with both feet together. Place a towel or paper plate under the right foot.
  • Lower into a squat while sliding the right foot out to the side as far as possible.
  • Pause and then stand back up, pulling the leg back in. Complete the desired number of repetitions and repeat with the left leg. 

Completed eight to 12 repetitions. The smoother the surface, the easier the exercise will be. 

Sliding Towel Reverse Lunge

  • Begin standing with feet hip-width apart and toes pointed forward. Place a towel or a paper plate under the right foot.
  • Engage the core and slide the right leg back into a lunge position.
  • Press through the heel on the left leg to stand back up while sliding the right foot forward and back to the starting position. Complete the desired number of repetitions and repeat with the left leg. 

Completed eight to 12 repetitions. The smoother the surface, the easier the exercise will be. 

Sliding Towel Single-leg Hamstring Curl 

  • Lie on the floor with the arms alongside the body, knees bent, feet flexed and the heels pressed into the center of paper plates or folded towels.
  • Press the hips up and slide one foot out to extend the leg straight.
  • Bend the left leg back in while sliding the right leg out.
  • Alternate flexing and extending the legs (like a running motion). 

Completed eight to 12 repetitions. The smoother the surface, the easier the exercise will be.

Share a photo or video of yourself on social media performing the workout using hashtag #WorkoutWednesday!

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